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Sort out and change pics in Lightboxes


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I asked this question and got very useful answers in the old Forum, but they are not available anymore, so I must ask again:  How do I sort my photos into different lightboxes, and also move them and copy them if they fit into different boxes. Is there any advantage using lightboxes? 


Promise so save all answes on my computer this time...

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I did this exercise just recently. 


I clicked the pics I wanted to put into a 'Landscape' Lightbox. I clicked into my lightbox link (top right in My Alamy) and then created a new lightbox called Landscape. I then selected all the landscape Pics and moved them to the landscape lightbox. If I wanted to share this LB with people, I could then email it to myself and then share the link that gets emailed. 


When you select an image to go into a lightbox it seems to go into a default holding LB. It's from there that you would do your moving into the resident LB  :) 


Hope that helped. 

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Thanks! I must be unbelievable stupid, but it doesn't work!
When I go into 'Manage Images' I don't reach the my lightbox link, in fact I don't reach the My Alamy-link a the top right at all. and not the little square with 'manage your lightboxes' 

Probably I make some elementary mistake....With the old system i managed to make it. 

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Sorry, I should have said in order to add anything to your lightboxes you need to view your alamy portfolio through your alamy homepage links the way a customer would. You get little icons below each thumbnail and one of the buttons adds an image to a lightbox. :)  

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Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but the Lightbox is a tool for buyers, not sellers. 


I spoke to Alamy the other week in email and they said we could use lightboxes as ways to promote our work or share it externally. I tried it for about 2 days then realised friends and family on social networks aren't a good target market :) 

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Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but the Lightbox is a tool for buyers, not sellers. 


I spoke to Alamy the other week in email and they said we could use lightboxes as ways to promote our work or share it externally. I tried it for about 2 days then realised friends and family on social networks aren't a good target market :)


Yeah, it sounds like a really good way to waste a lot of time. Better we should spend that time considering salable subjects, adding to our collections, and perfecting the odious "art" of keywording. 



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Okey, I see your point... !

I',m really grateful that you helped me explaning how to put the pics in different LBs, which I finally understood how to do. On the other hand I realize that I could have used the time better doing other things! ;-)



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Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but the Lightbox is a tool for buyers, not sellers. 


That's easy Ed: Alamy staff use it to promote themes. (It used to be their only online tool, but with the new iPad app and the activity on Facebook and Pinterest, that's no longer the case.)


On Alamy's front page, if you click on the link 37.41 million amazing creative and editorial images, you land on a page that is all lightbox.

The whole list on the left are lightboxes too; some are subdivided in even more lightboxes.

I'm pretty sure that is how they get images in front of clients who use Alamy staff for their picture search. Remember someone on the old forum found out that the majority of images we have sold, without being zoomed, stem from those lightboxes, because there is no record of a zoom inside a lightbox. -An obvious flaw of the system.



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When you select an image to go into a lightbox it seems to go into a default holding LB. It's from there that you would do your moving into the resident LB :)

What you call a default lightbox is the lightbox you have been using last. So you just have to change your active lightbox by clicking the tab "All lightboxes" in the upper left corner, select the one you want to add to, and probably still update the page by clicking F5 (proved to be necessary to avoid using the former active one). Then you can add directly into the desired lightbox.


Lightboxes can be a useful tool in my experience.

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