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It's an ill wind....

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If Alamy are challenged by a company like network rile or national trust by all means suspend sales of the images.  But on the basis that those making a challenge accept responsibility for any loss of sales until they make clear what basis they are making a claim with reference to the CDPA 1988 or the relevant legislation in the jurisdiction for which the claim is made and Alamy have time to assess the viability of the claim.  I suspect that the NT cull was totally unwarranted and that the NT could not, or simply did not want, to make the distinction between truly commercial use and editorial.  Alamy should review the NT claim and if shown to be unwarranted seek damages for lost sales.

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Oh dear, another thread bound for deletion. I wasn't commenting on that, just on the images getting shuffled to the top of the deck.

Not many lost sales in 2 days, I think. Litigation isn't the same sport here as it is in the US, deo gratias.

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I don't see my one image coming on top. Where do you see that?

Mine however was not re-instated with the rest, but before.


# Alan: yes that would be the very first reaction of any lawyer here too. Maybe you can edit out the names from your post and replace them with something "big company" or "big ngo" or "big quango"?



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