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I used to have a lot of sales with the Huffington Post (U.S), but have noticed in the last couple of weeks that they're hardly using any Alamy images at all. Did we lose that account?  Just curious if anyone knows anything. Thanks!

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There has been some speculation about that in a couple of other threads. However there have been some reports about sales this month. I had four, three of which were of definite US subject matter. Three or four has been my average for HP over time. There has been some speculation also that there are different editions of HP: UK and US, and that the current sales are for the UK version. However some have reported the fee for the UK version was $2 lower than the US version, and as far as I can see, the fees reported this month were the higher fees. While there have been different fees over time, the descriptions in my Summary have been the same for both.

Bottom line: most if not all is pure speculation.



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There appears to be a scrabble going on for HP in which HP will be the winner - one lot offers lower, one offers almost unlimited use over a ten year period for the single fee - as usual without a cartel in the agency/library camp this madness has no end. 


I'm sure that the enthusiasm over the quantity of sales made with HP over the last few months on this forum will not have gone un-noticed by one of our 'Guests'  (with a big 'G') ! 


A little commercial confidentiality might be advisable perhaps......

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There appears to be a scrabble going on for HP in which HP will be the winner - one lot offers lower, one offers almost unlimited use over a ten year period for the single fee - as usual without a cartel in the agency/library camp this madness has no end. 


I'm sure that the enthusiasm over the quantity of sales made with HP over the last few months on this forum will not have gone un-noticed by one of our 'Guests'  (with a big 'G') ! 


A little commercial confidentiality might be advisable perhaps......




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There appears to be a scrabble going on for HP in which HP will be the winner - one lot offers lower, one offers almost unlimited use over a ten year period for the single fee - as usual without a cartel in the agency/library camp this madness has no end. 


I'm sure that the enthusiasm over the quantity of sales made with HP over the last few months on this forum will not have gone un-noticed by one of our 'Guests'  (with a big 'G') ! 


A little commercial confidentiality might be advisable perhaps......





Are you saying that "Big G" is watching us? Sounds positively Orwellian. But I wouldn't put it past them.

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HuffPost editions: Canada, France, Italy, Japan, Spain, US, UK;

any HuffPost homepage upper left has "edition" drop down menu;

use search box on each edition homepage to reveal "Alamy" recency;

UK, Canada had lots of Alamy recency, US only once since early April as of a few days ago;

Japan, Italy, no Alamy ever; Spain, France...?

US images can obviously appear in Canada, UK editions...


Aside: "Getty" search on Alamy = 3600+ images, mostly art

OK I was wrong about the editions. There are international editions. I thought they just translated and localized the US content, but there actually is Italian; French and Japanese content. Written by local newspapers, who are the partners of HP: like Asahi Shimbun, Le Monde, L'espresso.


How do you search for date reverse on the HP-US site?

On the UK site, you can, (well not date reverse, but last 24h; last week etc.) and there are precious little Alamy results: 57 in 12 months

n the French site: 5 x Alamy in all.

Italian: 1x

Japan: 0 (but it has been in operation for only 5 weeks yet)

Spain: No hay resultados.

Germany is hiring, but not there yet.

Netherlands: I just won an iPad. Not.

Belgium sends me to the US.

China is for sale.

I have not checked yet if the Miami; Hispanic; Black editions have their own search results.


Somehow most of the stuff is the US HuffPost. There are just too little Alamy images on the international editions to explain the total amount of licenses that has been reported here.

In my Summary the licenses are for Worldwide or US, but it seems to be used totally random. Both reported sales amounts have about equal amounts of US and ww.

There is of course the possibility, it's not just HuffPost, but something like Dailyfinance.com is getting the same deal.





edit: I seem to remember that someone on the old Forum mentioned the share Alamy had of the world stock market: was it 1 or 2%? Even when Alamy would be over-represented on the HuffPost that could explain the perceived low occurence. In any case let's hope that's it ;-)

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> How do you search...

On any edition's homepage is search box under "The Huffington Post"

Searching "Alamy" on US edition gives US results plus other editions' ?overlap?:


(third item down "Travel & Leisure" is only recent US Alamy hit I see)

I assume each edition prioritizes its own Alamy hits in results but

I don't see how to re-rank by most recent uses, except maybe to

search e.g., "Alamy June 2013" or similar...?


Ok that's a good idea:


alamy 2013 yields 914 results.

getty 2013: 1000 - could be the max of the results, not images used.


anyways, not that bad.


The other editions (except for the Canadian which I did not check) had 63 results in all over 12 months. So that's long before there would have been a change.

If there has been a change around February, it's not obvious from these results. Maybe to the daily reader. Then again on AOL you would get the latest news as the front page, not Alamy's strong point.


Don't know how the local editions work. Have you had specific Miami subjects in the Miami edition, not showing up in the main edition?

My guess is that the local editions in Europe take their content from the pages of those newspaper partners complete with imagery.



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Canadian search and US search get different results, but in the US results there's quite a bit of Canada in the first pages, The Canadian has 1 non-canadian item in the first 10: one from Miami ;-)

The total amount is almost the same: US - 914. CA - 911.


I give up.



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Thanks for all your input! I read the U.S. version of the Huffington Post every day, and it seemed like from one day to the next it went from almost all photos credited to Alamy, to almost all photos credited to Getty. :(

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