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Stubborn Microstock agency

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Hello colleagues,


I have finally closed with success all Microstock agencies excluding one left. They are making it very difficult for me and don’t want to delete my images. They say that I have to do it myself. This means that I have to click on every image and in the second screen click on the delete button and go back. This sounds harmless but I have there 15000 photos to delete  :(  ………………… The reason that I have to do it manually is because the micro agency claims that it is for their protection and don’t want later to get heard that they deleted my images.


Do you think it is really their right and protection or are they just trying to slow me down?


P.S. I know you will be shocked that I am deleting that many images and wasting all my time from the past. But I started in stock many years ago and everything was new for me. It was a learning period. Now I think Microstock is not really what I  want to support and see that also here the same money can be made. Also I contacted some other macro agencies and they only take my 15000 photos if they are removed from Microstock what I full understand and support. I don’t want to fool clients anymore. It is not nice to know that you paid a fortune for a license and later find out that you could have bought it for 2 dollars on a microstock site. Not good for agency and not good for contributor.



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What does your contract say about deletion? If you agreed to that method of removal when you signed up then it's probably fair enough. But it does seem odd.

If not then give notice after which you may be able to sue for infringement.

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Hire a highschool/college kid to do it for you, for $/hr. I am glad you realize the damage Micros can do. Some are happy selling their photos like recycled bottles. But please keep them out of Alamy. 

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I want to ask you to do one thing after closing the case - please, write a fat solid blog post about it! People - newcomers have no idea what they go for. They don't read or don't understand agreements and cry when want to leave. All you can find in internet is: "you must join, it's so great to earn 0,xx$!" You loose nothing, it's great, come and upload, work hard, harder, upload more...and maybe you'll be rich!"


I'm glad I had to delete less than 500-700 files in micros. There is nothing, not even one thing making me want to come back to micros... If I knew what I can really expect I would never try this s^*t propably. I missed more honest infos and truthful words of advice...

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Thanks for all your answers.


I will follow Philippe's tip and send them at least a letter.


I have to say all other Mirco agencies where very helpful and could close my account almost directly. Just one left like i say where i can delete my files also but only manual one by one. Thanks for the nice words about closing the micros. I need to add that micro was also a good experience.

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Sorry mate but your post don't sound right, waking up one morning feeling bad and having bad concsiouns, fooling clients, etc and if micro was your starting platform, well then you can't have been too long in this game and if you been fooling clients???  well that means you've been putting identical RM shots on micro as well. Nah!  I think you should have another pint and re-think, hehe!


You signed a contract and its well and truly laid out there, all clauses, etc, besides, the main four big micro-agencies are NOT just strictly micro anymore they are Macro/Micro with as much credit-sales and Enhanced-licenses as any other RM agency.


all the best matey!

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Sorry mate but your post don't sound right, waking up one morning feeling bad and having bad concsiouns, fooling clients, etc and if micro was your starting platform, well then you can't have been too long in this game and if you been fooling clients???  well that means you've been putting identical RM shots on micro as well. Nah!  I think you should have another pint and re-think, hehe!


You signed a contract and its well and truly laid out there, all clauses, etc, besides, the main four big micro-agencies are NOT just strictly micro anymore they are Macro/Micro with as much credit-sales and Enhanced-licenses as any other RM agency.


all the best matey!

It would be very idiotic if i just decide to delete 15000 photos based on one morning wake up. Many things i experienced and learned. It is just to much content to write in one post. After some time in Micro i tried to submit different photos on macro. At the beginning it was very slowly going but then i noticed that i could make the same amount on that agency as on any other micro. Later i added an other macro and so on. 


About the contract.... i know it very well and i know the rules like on all other micros. Its clearly written that i can delete images. To be able to delete is not the problem but "the way" how to delete. On all the other micros you could easy select a group of images and delete them. On the last one it is a very frustrating job.


But i want to close this topic. It is not about the micros but Alamy here. I got some tips how to handle it.


Thanks again.



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