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No January challenge yet

Colin Woods

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Puts me in a bit of a difficult position here Colin, as the winner David has not as yet responded, but I don't want to tread upon his toes!


I'll put forward a challenge, which can be revoked if David responds in the next two days.

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OK Bryan, that's great if you you can set a topic. It may be easier, to give David time to reply, to say that if he hasn't replied by Wednesday evening, then you will set the topic. It may get confusing if you set a topic now only to cancel it if David replies in the next couple of days.


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How kind of Bryan to offer to step up.


Unexpected situations can always prevent winner from posting, let alone creating new competition - so going forward, perhaps guideline can be that if winner doesn't post new competition by a specific day of month, we hope the first runner-up will assume the duties.

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First of all I must say how sorry I am that I have not responded before now, I was away for  a couple of weeks and when I returned I spent a lot of time working on new images!


I would also like to thank Bryan for taking over with a good challenge. I had a quick look yesterday and was thinking of entering something. I also wondered who the last winner was and why he was keeping quiet.

It was not until I had a closer look through the forum today that I realized it was me. I do not win competitions. :P 


Many thanks to all who voted for me and congrats to Bryan and Michael and all other finalists.

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Congratulations on your deserved win David, nobody can take that away from you!


I hope that you will enter the January competition.


Learning from this experience, i.e. with the benefit of hindsight, I'll be sure to mail the January winner to try to avoid this happening again.

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