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The Educational Value of Keywording

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I'd heard of a drumlin - but I didn't know what one was. Until now!


You live and learn!




Should we get into eskers, erratics, tarns and cols?




I've heard of tarns and cols, but not eskers or erratics.


I see Bill has posted an erratic, so i've learned that today too!



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That is an impressive erratic. Looks like it smashed on impact with the ground when it came out of the ice sheet. I've nothing to match that in my collection. In fact I have very few erratic in my collection at all.  I must improve on that next time I'm in Ireland. Here's a more standard size erratic boulder (probably about 1 metre high) on the Burren limestone pavement near Black Head, County Clare. This area is strewn with erratics, some with amazing shapes. The limestone pavement itself here with its clints and grikes etc and the associated unique botany of the Burren are the main points of interest. 



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