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How do I stack (more) images on Alamy?

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I see a lot of images with (more) on Alamy. I have similars, and would like to stack them this way. Does it happen automatically at Alamy, or is there something I have to do?

Use the same keyword(s) for all the images you want to have more underneath.

Remember that the last image you submit will be the first to appear. Do not send your best image first.



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I see a lot of images with (more) on Alamy. I have similars, and would like to stack them this way. Does it happen automatically at Alamy, or is there something I have to do?

Use the same keyword(s) for all the images you want to have more underneath.

Remember that the last image you submit will be the first to appear. Do not send your best image first.




Also, I have discovered that images appear in the order in which they are keyworded. I noticed it because I left three for last and they were done the following day. They showed up together even though one of them had been separated by another image when I submitted them. So I don't know if it matters if you keyword all on the same day - probably they stay in the same order they have appeared in Manage Images. But if there is one you want to be on "top" perhaps keyword it on the next day. Hope I'm right. I just noticed that happening the last time I keyworded.



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I see a lot of images with (more) on Alamy. I have similars, and would like to stack them this way. Does it happen automatically at Alamy, or is there something I have to do?

Use the same keyword(s) for all the images you want to have more underneath.

Remember that the last image you submit will be the first to appear. Do not send your best image first.




Also, I have discovered that images appear in the order in which they are keyworded. I noticed it because I left three for last and they were done the following day. They showed up together even though one of them had been separated by another image when I submitted them. So I don't know if it matters if you keyword all on the same day - probably they stay in the same order they have appeared in Manage Images. But if there is one you want to be on "top" perhaps keyword it on the next day. Hope I'm right. I just noticed that happening the last time I keyworded.




I wonder if this would happen if you amended the keywords?!?! Could be useful

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I see a lot of images with (more) on Alamy. I have similars, and would like to stack them this way. Does it happen automatically at Alamy, or is there something I have to do?

Use the same keyword(s) for all the images you want to have more underneath.

Remember that the last image you submit will be the first to appear. Do not send your best image first.




Also, I have discovered that images appear in the order in which they are keyworded. I noticed it because I left three for last and they were done the following day. They showed up together even though one of them had been separated by another image when I submitted them. So I don't know if it matters if you keyword all on the same day - probably they stay in the same order they have appeared in Manage Images. But if there is one you want to be on "top" perhaps keyword it on the next day. Hope I'm right. I just noticed that happening the last time I keyworded.



I think this is only true if all else is equal.  However if the search term is in the essential box in one image and the main box for the others it will be the former that will appear ahead of the rest.  



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I see a lot of images with (more) on Alamy. I have similars, and would like to stack them this way. Does it happen automatically at Alamy, or is there something I have to do?

Use the same keyword(s) for all the images you want to have more underneath.

Remember that the last image you submit will be the first to appear. Do not send your best image first.




Also, I have discovered that images appear in the order in which they are keyworded. I noticed it because I left three for last and they were done the following day. They showed up together even though one of them had been separated by another image when I submitted them. So I don't know if it matters if you keyword all on the same day - probably they stay in the same order they have appeared in Manage Images. But if there is one you want to be on "top" perhaps keyword it on the next day. Hope I'm right. I just noticed that happening the last time I keyworded.




I wonder if this would happen if you amended the keywords?!?! Could be useful


I did try re-keywording an image and it didn't change the order. Of course, if I had changed essential keywords and then searched by subject rather than by pseudonym things would have changed. Sometimes it just gets tooo complicated. My views sometimes seem to come up in an order I don't understand. Just trying to be accurate and put the most important words in the essential field. 



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