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Lightroom 5.4 now available

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Adobe has also announced the release of Lightroom for the iPad.  Used in conjunction with the X-T1 and it's WiFi capability, I see a new workflow coming my way for newsworthy image submission.  I'm quite excited about it :)

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Adobe has also announced the release of Lightroom for the iPad.  Used in conjunction with the X-T1 and it's WiFi capability, I see a new workflow coming my way for newsworthy image submission.  I'm quite excited about it :)

Looks like you have to pay for it after initial 30 day trial unless you are on Creative Cloud so I won't be using it.



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I upgraded to 5.4 this morning. Finding the loupe preview on the second screen is very slow and sometimes sticks. But otherwise OK, no new cameras for me so not a required update from that point of view but there were updates to PS and Bridge and so they all got done.


I'll be taking a look at the iPad version in a couple of weeks time once my workloads drops back down a bit - editing a large job at the moment..... but will certainly be trying it and as I'm on CC it seems to make sense to take advantage. Will be getting the Lightroom Queen missing manual though to guide me throughout it...



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I downloaded the demo a few days ago for compatibility with my new D610. I like the auto upright feature but it seems more memory intensive than v4. I guess it's time to think about ordering more RAM.

Oh and it keeps flashing invites to download the iPad version.

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