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25 minutes ago, CarlMillerPhotos said:

Just had a sale for 16 cents. W00t!!! I'm taking the rest of the week off!!! 🙂

Don't eat your celebratory biscuit all at once now........

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I had several  0.02 with another agency, it was for China and I could not cut the country out of distribution. Therefore just cancelled my contract with that agency. On Alamy I so far did not have that low (with a very limited list of countries where I allow distribution and no NU of course) but it feels that we go that direction anyway. Had recently a ~$5 "standard" license of an RM image with nearly unlimited use allowed 😞


Edited by IKuzmin
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1 hour ago, CarlMillerPhotos said:

Just had a sale for 16 cents. W00t!!! I'm taking the rest of the week off!!! 🙂


That's just unacceptable and makes me angry. To Alamy: The image has got to be worth more to the buyer than 16 cents or if not please just don't sell them.

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