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Upload not working?

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Trying to upload a batch of stock images. When I press 'Upload', it indicates that it is uploading but the first image immediately indicates that it has been 100% uploaded (hope that makes sense!). Having the same result using IE and Firefox. Anyone else having the same problem?




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Hi Steve


Many thanks for the info. I've had a very prompt reply from MS saying that there was no upload problem at their end. I should try deleting temp files and clearing the cache (not sure which one!). If the problem still exists same time tomorrow, then I should send another email with details of my browser, PC's OS, internet connection and a screen grab of the error.


Have tried a disk clean-up including deleting temp files and cleared the Internet Explorer cache. Still getting the same problem on IE and Firefox. Shall carry on investigating but am not confident of finding the solution.





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At the risk of boring people whose upload is working, it appears that my images are being uploaded despite the green percentage progress bar (whatever it's called) going immediately to 100% at the start of each file upload. I just had to wait and ignore the progress bar. That's assuming of course that I don't eventually receive a Partial Fail message due to a processing error...time will tell.

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For what its worth, my upload passed QC OK without any partial fail but my latest upload still shows the problem ie: progress bar goes to 100% immediately.  I wonder if the problem is caused by either having or not having the latest version of flash player?  If everything keeps uploading OK its liveable with.



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Many thanks for the further update Steve. Mine also passed QC. I had a few duplicate images from the repeated attempts and one image in the middle of the batch had not uploaded, but not a major drama. For info, I certainly had the problem when using the latest version of Flash Player (one of the first things I did was to reinstall it) but not sure which version I was on before.

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John and Steve,

Same problem here. When I press the upload button the progress bar goes straight to 100% I did discover that if you leave it the upload will complete. Two uploads performed successfully last week but I have a feeling something is not quite right somewhere as its happened to more than one of us at around the same time.


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