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Rejected without assessed.

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One fails, all fail, that's the rule. Did you read the submission guidelines?



Also, Alamy does not check for content, only technical quality.


Looking at your portfolio, you have lots of similars which are going to sink your ranking.


I noticed that you joined recently and already have over 1,000 images. Good effort but I would advise you to slow down and take the time to read about how Alamy works. It's very different to microstock.


Good luck!


Edited by gvallee
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I had a look at your portfolio and I am not surprised you have had QC fails.  Some of your pictures are out of focus and some are badly over exposed.  

You have also marked some (and I did not check them all) as model released.  Do you actually have an individual model release for each player?  Not to mention every fan who is identifiable.  You also say you have property releases.  Do you have property releases from the shirt and ball manufacturers?  Both contain copyright material.  If the images are used for commercial usage both you, Alamy and the publisher could be sued for copyright breach.  I don’t know what the copyright rules are in the country theses were taken but they could be published world wide.


As Gvallee states, this is not a Micro site.  Take three steps back, read the rules and guidance given by Alamy as well as the excellent advice on the forums.  Only submit your best, in focus, correctly exposed, correctly captioned and keyworded with correct release information, photographs.  

It may be that Alamy is not the site for your “style” of photography.

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Also if the images you are uploading to Alamy are all on a microstock site they are unlikely to sell on Alamy. The buyers will go for the cheapest copy.




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On 01/08/2023 at 03:18, hellodamanius said:



I don't understand I have a lot of my images was rejected without even being assessed, how it's possible and why? One example[1] of images was rejected without assessed.


[1] https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/stockholm-sweden-hair-loss-caused-by-2338775581 


Looks like most were sports photos submitted as news as many (all?) have the possible imperfections label.

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I googled hellodamanius
& saw in various places a much
greater variety of real people doing
real things whereas your current Alamy
collection is mostly-all soccer-football...?
(on first page at least)
I assume a pro photographer got you the
soccer pass?  Have them pick out your best
soccer images & add some of real people
doing real things -- then you have variety...
🤑 variety+quality+quantity+keywording
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