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Anyone affected by "Cheated?" topic received commission back or heard any more?

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In topic titled "Cheated?" https://discussion.alamy.com/topic/14856-cheated/ that Betty raised on 20 Sept 2021, Betty and several others mentioned about sales of images in mid June 2021 for $89, with commission at 50% (prior to contract change) which was subsequently refunded in September 2021 and resold for the same price and details on the same day, but with the new commission rate (following contract change). 
The last post was from Alamy on 15th November 2021 before the topic was locked. 
I was also in the same situation so was wondering if anyone affected has received the commission due back to them or heard any more?
Many thanks. Carolyn

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The incident in question was a clear violation of contract by Alamy, as it invalidated the commission table which is a part of the legally binding contract. Perhaps the time has finally come to write to MPs and ask them to raise Alamy's business practices and treatment of contributors at PMQs, which is televised and would bring the matter to the attention of a much larger audience than this forum. P&O lost government contracts as a result of their behaviour, and it is clear that Alamy are going to do nothing unless they are forced into action.

Edited by DJ Myford
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Hi All, 


Thanks for raising this with us. As per our previous comment back in November 2021 we have been working on refunding the difference to contributor accounts. If you think you haven't been refunded where an image was billed, refunded and then rebilled at the new commission then please let us know by emailing Contributor Relations. We will look at this internally and update as appropriate




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