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Can anyone tell me the common name and latin name of the big flying insect Please

Allan Bell


Hi despite a search taking at least an hour on the internet and books I cannot find what the big winged insect is in this image.


Can ayone tell me PLEASE.


Edited by Allan Bell
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4 hours ago, gvallee said:

Allan, my advice to you: unless it's a super obvious one, you don't stand a chance to identify correctly an insect yourself, let alone on this forum. Not even at family level.

I love doing macro of insects, I have over 1,800 on Alamy. I spent many hours with books, museums, experts trying to identify them. It's no easy job, you have to find the right people.

I know you mentioned you're not on Facebook. Shame because there are expert groups for these subjects I'm sure. I am on it with top experts for spiders, frogs, snakes and birds.


Also, in my experience, insects just don't sell on Alamy. Out of 1,800+, I only had 140 sales. So why do I do it? I love the challenge of finding them, photographing and actually identifying them. 


So my advice would be not to spend too long on this, nor to tag from the replies you've got so far, I would just try and license your shot as a generic image of a pretty flower with insects. 


Just my 2 cents.





Thank you for your considered input and approach Gen. You are right that I am not an expert in insect identification hence my question on here. The good and helpful people piled in to try to give me some leads and that is what I took them as. Sure I thought we had it a couple of times then realised no matter how hard I followed these leads up something was not right in each case.


The one that seemed to be nearest is the Dagger Fly. But no positive ID so left that out.





2 hours ago, Martin L said:

Sorry but I find this a bit patronising.

Sure insects are difficult but you have no idea of anybody's expertise on this forum. 


Hi Martin, I have been on the Alamy forums for a good number of years and have conversed with lots of members including Gen over that time and can say that I have never found any of them to be patronising. Sometimes when someone puts something in print it may be read by another in a different way than it was meant to be or misunderstood their intentions, which can escalate into serious altercations. I am pleased you and Gen settled the matter very quickly between yourselves by sensible discussion.




I will not reply to Mark and Mick's posts. Just to say that I will ask a question anytime in the future to see if anyone can point me in the right direction on finding information and I will always try to keyword accurately and failing that will be circumspect with the keywording.


Thanks again to all who posted here trying to help me in there own way.





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1 hour ago, Stokie said:

It does look like a Robber Fly, maybe Philonicus albiceps.


When I'm in doubt I just put something like "possibly a Robber or Assassin fly".




Hi John, I looked at the Philonicus albiceps and note it is also called Dune Robber fly which indicates it lives around sandy areas. When looking at the images it did not look exactly like the one in my image which was taken in the countryside miles from any sandy places.


Thank you anyway.




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27 minutes ago, gvallee said:

Allan, see PM.


Thanks Gen. I have replied but answered two comments in one reply. Hope it makes sense.




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