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Photo Oxford 2020 Contest


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11 minutes ago, dlmphotog said:

Anyone going to enter the Photo Oxford 2020 contest?


3 years of 100% Alamy commission is enticing. I could not find anything on their website about rights transfer...?


I currently don't have anything that is stunning enough to meet their brief to enter. I'm in Oxford Saturday, so will be keeping my eyes open for anything suitable.

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I entered the last one, "Relationships" that closed for entries on the 29th February. I must say I found the whole Photocrowd thing a bit of a culture shock, not that you have to fully engage to just enter the competition, but you do need to 'rate' the other entries which was a new one on me and quite challenging considering the numbers involved, no chance to go back and change your mind either. If you do fully engage then it seems it can be one constant round of competitions to enter & judge, levels to achieve etc., rather mind-blowing for me, but as I say, you don't need to do that. What struck me about the entries was how global it was, I seem to remember a large number from India and other Asian countries and I still get a (very) slow trickle of people 'liking' my picture from sometimes very remote areas of the world. A global community indeed.


This is the link to this year's competition:





Correction - the 'Relationships' competition that I entered was part of the Oxford Brookes University 2020 'Think Human' Festival, NOT  Photo Oxford - however all my comments about Photocrowd are still relevant.

Edited by Harry Harrison
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I've entered a correction to my comment, the 'Relationships' competition that I entered was part of the Oxford Brookes University 2020 'Think Human' Festival, NOT  Photo Oxford - however all my comments about Photocrowd are still relevant.


The competion I entered was certainly in part instigated by Grant Scott who runs the hugely informative website "United Nations of Photography", I can definitely recommend the essays and podcasts. He has started a new Photography graduate course at Oxford Brookes after running an apparently very successful one at the University of Gloucester.




He is very vocal on the subject of 'Pay to enter' competitions and it is important to note that 'Relationships' was free to enter, but with understandably modest financial prizes. It is certainly true that some 'pay to enter' competitions seem to be run as a business, often sponsored by camera companies or 'prestigious' magazines and the deadline can sometimes be mysteriously extended to allow more to enter, I wonder why that could be?


I should say that I'm not casting any aspersions about this Photo Oxford competition though clearly it is not free to enter. Certainly there are going to be large costs involved in running competitions such as this, particularly if exhibitions are to be mounted and those successful can hope to get some decent publicity out of it.



Edited by Harry Harrison
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