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55 minutes ago, meanderingemu said:


you have "sunny day" preset in hiking in UK 😉


i agree that the process makes it much better, I'm slowly building my presets.     thanks for the tip in re-ordering pre import, that will make the supertag more efficient. 


Haha... hell no. One for Hiking, One for Sunny and one for Cumbria UK.


Then you stack them in any order and the first one stay at the top of the list.


If I had one preset for Sunday Hiking UK.... I might use it once in a blue moon...hummm, another preset maybe 😂

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1 hour ago, Duncan_Andison said:


I use Capture One Pro. I used to use LR but they force alphabetical only which is no good. Quite ironic given their own agency requires keywords to be ranked 😂


In C1 Pro, you can just drag and drop the keywords into a different order, or as I do, create sets of keywords that can be selected a list and stacked together. A bit like how you save a style but instead, I've created a categories and have lists for different situations. For instance, hiking in the Lake District  I'd stack, Hiking, Landscape, Sunny Day, Cumbria UK. and in those lists would be all the keywords for those categories. It takes a while (over time) but now it speeds up the process.


you have "sunny day" preset in hiking in UK 😉


i agree that the process makes it much better, I'm slowly building my presets.     thanks for the tip in re-ordering pre import, that will make the supertag more efficient. 

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14 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:

Thanks, I think I would really miss the cataloguing, database side of Lightroom, am I right in thinking that C1 doesn't really offer that? 25% off it this weekend as it happens!


It does offer cataloging and sessions. I tend to use sessions. This is basically a mini catalogue for one shoot. Once I finish work on those images I can move the session to a NAS drive for storage and backup. This frees up the faster working hard drives without disturbing files I haven't finished with. I think LR catalogue is faster though, hence...


I also export jpgs of all finished files to a folder on a specific jpg external hard drive. The folder names match the names of the NAS/Backup folders. This is then imported into a LR (classic) catalogue with the files remaining in their original folders. I also back this up to a NAS & backup NAS. If I need to look for files or send them to different agencies, I search the LR db and go to the folder in which they are stored and upload them. I don't use LR to keyword at all as it will destroy the ordering of the keywords.


This means I don't have to mess with originals much once I'm done with them, they are stored on NAS and a separate backup NAS copies the first one each week. The jpg hard drive gets the same treatment, effectively 3 copies.


Once every 2-3 years when the NAS drives fill up, I buy 2 hard drives (4tb plus) and copy the contents of the NAS drive to one drive and mirror it to the 2nd hard drive. One is stored away and the other is kept on the shelf to hot swap in an external drive if I need access to them. Rotate drives once a year.


Sounds complex but is easy enough when you get used to a routine. Protects against failure, fire and theft. I have a lot of work elsewhere that isn't here as well as a lot of illustration psd files and footage etc so quite a few TB's

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5 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:

If they do ever open up the ability to upload your own updated csv your formula would be very useful. I just use Lightroom for keywords which orders them alphabetically, could I ask if you use a specific method to order your keywords?


I use Capture One Pro. I used to use LR but they force alphabetical only which is no good. Quite ironic given their own agency requires keywords to be ranked 😂


In C1 Pro, you can just drag and drop the keywords into a different order, or as I do, create sets of keywords that can be selected a list and stacked together. A bit like how you save a style but instead, I've created a categories and have lists for different situations. For instance, hiking in the Lake District  I'd stack, Hiking, Landscape, Sunny Day, Cumbria UK. and in those lists would be all the keywords for those categories. It takes a while (over time) but now it speeds up the process.

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35 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:



Neat formula but think I might have unintentionally misled you here! My formula was just to show me where I had not added sufficient supertags, I then work through those in AIM. Not too bad with my relatively small number of images but you have a much bigger task. I know that on occasion contributor support will accept a spreadsheet so it might be worth asking them and just checking that your revised spreadsheet will work for them.


When they first provided this new facility to download your own csv there a ghost of a hint that they might look at letting us upload but personally I think there would be a very real danger that accidents might happen and they would spend a lot of time sorting them out.



Thanks... I've reached out to contributor support to see if they can apply the changes. Effectively, nothings changed other than the addition of supertags. I used to use this method of batch changes to DBs when I worked at a bank... should be easy enough for them to do... and, it helps improve the performance of files in their library!


Thanks again


Edit. For those that are interested. The formula looks to copy everything from the left until it finds a "|". The substitute part of the formula looks to replace the "," with an "|" and the last part tells the formula how many instances of "," to allow before replacing it. In this instance you're telling it to replace the tenth "," with an "|". The minus 1 "-1" just makes sure you don't copy the "|" to the Supertags cell.



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Neat formula but think I might have unintentionally misled you here! My formula was just to show me where I had not added sufficient supertags, I then work through those in AIM. Not too bad with my relatively small number of images but you have a much bigger task. I know that on occasion contributor support will accept a spreadsheet so it might be worth asking them and just checking that your revised spreadsheet will work for them.


When they first provided this new facility to download your own csv there a ghost of a hint that they might look at letting us upload but personally I think there would be a very real danger that accidents might happen and they would spend a lot of time sorting them out.

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It turned out that I had approx 5k+ to apply supertags to so it would have taken a looooong time. You can download a csv file from Alamy image manager and this provides a table (bit like excel) of all your images, keywords and descriptions etc. 


Now, if you rank all your keywords before uploading, you know that the first ten are the most important keywords for that file so why not just copy the first 10 keywords and paste them into the supertags cell.


Well, to do that without much labour, you can write a formula (like the one above) that looks at the keyword cell and is able to find the markers separating the keywords and then count up to 10 and display them in the cell. From there, you just have to drag it down the table and the cell will be copied to all those rows and in turn, it copies the 1st 10 keywords for each file into the cell. If you haven't used Excel much then it may be hard to get your head around.


Edit. Of course, if you don't rank your keywords prior to uploading, then this wouldn't really be any good to you. I always rank keywords in Capture One so I only keyword each file once and then send it to all the agencies.

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I think i'm a being a bit dim here, but I just choose which tags I use as 'super tags' once the file has passed and tagged ... but maybe I've misunderstood ... (would be interesting to know as I still rarely get zooms, let alone sales).

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10 hours ago, Harry Harrison said:

You can download the data, the supertags are in a separate column. If you are familiar with spreadsheets then you can insert a new column with a formula that will count the number of supertags in that column. The formula essentially just counts the commas between the supertags, see this thread if you need to know more:




You can use a filter on that column also to find those with just 0, 1,2, 3, etc. supertags.


...actually some people can't download the data, I don't think there has been any development on why that might be.



Thanks Harry... Hadn't realised you could download the .csv file from Alamy.


Anyone looking for a way to take the first 10 keywords, iuse the formula below. Make sure you've sorted the table so all the files with no Supertags are together. Paste the formula below into the first cell without supertags in but make sure you update it so all the references to "D2" match the row you are starting from, it should always be column D as that is where the keywords are. If the first row without supertags is row 103 then it would be =LEFT(D103,FIND(“|",SUBSTITUTE(D103,",","|",10))-1)


Once pasted into the first cell just drag down to the last row of the table.



Formula if starting from the first row below the header.




Explanation: This will change the delimiter from a comma to a | allowing it to carry out a search of the keyword cell for the number of Supertags you need and avoiding nested IF statements... in this instance 10. If you want less just change the 10 in bold to whatever number you need. The formula assumes the first line is 2 in column D.


Hours worth of pain resolved. Thanks again Harry


Edit: I used this in "Numbers" that is used on a Mac instead of Excel but it should work in both.

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2 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:

You can download the data, the supertags are in a separate column. If you are familiar with spreadsheets then you can insert a new column with a formula that will count the number of supertags in that column. The formula essentially just counts the commas between the supertags, see this thread if you need to know more:




You can use a filter on that column also to find those with just 0, 1,2, 3, etc. supertags.



thank you, that's perfect.  

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1 hour ago, meanderingemu said:

curious, have you found an easy way to highlight the files that you haven't done?

You can download the data, the supertags are in a separate column. If you are familiar with spreadsheets then you can insert a new column with a formula that will count the number of supertags in that column. The formula essentially just counts the commas between the supertags, see this thread if you need to know more:




You can use a filter on that column also to find those with just 0, 1,2, 3, etc. supertags.


...actually some people can't download the data, I don't think there has been any development on why that might be.


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2 hours ago, Duncan_Andison said:

Is there a quick way to apply the first 10 keywords as Supertags?!?! Seams crazy to have to click each and every word in each and every file when the keywords are already ranked in order... I have a feeling I know the answer ☹️



Not that I've found.



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