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Seen my photo used on Tv :)

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Hi All, is there a way to find out who bought your photos at all, I signed up on Alamy about 4 years ago and have not put many photos on, I’ve sold one photo twice, once for $51 and once for $11, I was watching breakfast news the other morning and saw one of my photos used on there, and got all excited, I’ve found out they used it on there website too at the end of last year, so I’m presuming it’s the $51 purchase, is there anyway you can check who made the purchase? Or could they have purchased it again and it’s not come through yet maybe? 


Anyway I’ve got the bug back again and uploaded some more photos 2 days ago and some yesterday (I know have to wait 10days as I’ve made a rookie mistake and not read the rules 🤪🤪🤪) I guess 10 days will be plenty of time to read the rules 


thanks for reading 


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Click the "Sales History" button on your dashboard page. Note that sales can take anything from days to several months to appear in Sales History. Also Alamy doesn't disclose the customer name, only the details of the licence and the fee. 



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