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I have been using the Alamy Lightroom Bridge plug-in for Lightroom supplied by JKCC Ltd, and therefore doing all the captioning and keywording etc off line in Lightroom, rather than using the new Alamy Image Manager.

What do Alamy contributors think, do you recommend Alamy-Lighroom Bridge as a good alternative to Alamy Image Manager?

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Yes, but its more than just 'before or after' captioning and tagging. If you caption and tag using the Alamy Image Manager (AIM), then the data is only held in AIM. If you do the captioning in Lightroom, and use the Alamy Lightroom Bridge, then the data (all data not just captions) is held in Lightroom and then transferred to Alamy.

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There is no problem, its a question of what is the easiest and most useful way of working. If you use AIM only, then the data (captions, sales etc etc) only resides in Alamy. By using Lightroom Alamy Bridge, then all the relevant data is held locally and uploaded to Alamy, and it also downloads data from Alamy concerning the images. My related question is whether the Lightroom Alamy Bridge plug-in is fully compatible with the new Alamy Image Manager?

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I've been having ongoing issues with the Plug-In. I downloaded the latest version, as of last week, because I kept getting an error that my password was wrong. This version logs in but can't retrieve certain data. For me, it's not a question of which one is better.  I still have to keyword in AIM.

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3 hours ago, arterra said:

You mean, do we prefer to caption and tag on beforehand...... before uploading?


In that case: Yes!

Photographers who upload to several agencies do the captioning and tagging work ...... ONCE (in my case in Bridge). 

Those who caption and tag straight in AIM will have an unpleasant surprise when their archive reaches an important size and they decide to put their eggs in different baskets. They can do the work all over again :mellow:




Photography Prints
 Fine Art Collection Arterra




+1 Philippe

This is extremely important.

When you take an image you retain an image in your personal archives because you created and own the image.

When you caption and keyword an image you should retain a copy of the captioning and keywording because you created and own the captioning and keywording.

If you use only the Alamy image manager, you do not have your copy of all the keywording and captioning work. Work that belongs to you.

My workflow is to convert my Canon Raw files to Adobe digital negative file raw format. (DNG)

I then use Bridge to keyword and caption the DNG file. Bridge embeds this information in the DNG file header. Now any file that flows from that DNG, like a TIFF or PSD or JPG already has that captioning and keywording embedded in it. Caption and keyword once then forget about it.

I have 25,988 final stock files already keyworded in my archive on a 6 terabyte hard drive. I can use the Apple finder to search all of these files by keyword, when I want to review certain subjects I have already shot. When keywording and captioning new material I can search for similars already in my archive to cut and paste old keywords and captions into the new files.

In Alamy image manager I only select supertags and answer the not mandatory information on the second page.

Alamy are nice guys and stable from a business perspective. However stock libraries can come and go. You do not want your captioning and keywording to come and go with any stock library.

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On 10/07/2017 at 16:43, arterra said:

You mean, do we prefer to caption and tag on beforehand...... before uploading?


In that case: Yes!

Photographers who upload to several agencies do the captioning and tagging work ...... ONCE (in my case in Bridge). 

Those who caption and tag straight in AIM will have an unpleasant surprise when their archive reaches an important size and they decide to put their eggs in different baskets. They can do the work all over again :mellow:




Photography Prints
 Fine Art Collection Arterra



Am I missing something? Surely if you can download all the information put in AIM to Lightroom using Alamy Bridge plugin, then it will still be there should one choose to use another stock website.

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On 10/07/2017 at 19:47, Bill Brooks said:


+1 Philippe

This is extremely important.

When you take an image you retain an image in your personal archives because you created and own the image.

When you caption and keyword an image you should retain a copy of the captioning and keywording because you created and own the captioning and keywording.

If you use only the Alamy image manager, you do not have your copy of all the keywording and captioning work. Work that belongs to you.

My workflow is to convert my Canon Raw files to Adobe digital negative file raw format. (DNG)

I then use Bridge to keyword and caption the DNG file. Bridge embeds this information in the DNG file header. Now any file that flows from that DNG, like a TIFF or PSD or JPG already has that captioning and keywording embedded in it. Caption and keyword once then forget about it.

I have 25,988 final stock files already keyworded in my archive on a 6 terabyte hard drive. I can use the Apple finder to search all of these files by keyword, when I want to review certain subjects I have already shot. When keywording and captioning new material I can search for similars already in my archive to cut and paste old keywords and captions into the new files.

In Alamy image manager I only select supertags and answer the not mandatory information on the second page.

Alamy are nice guys and stable from a business perspective. However stock libraries can come and go. You do not want your captioning and keywording to come and go with any stock library.

To be fair to Alamy, MS will send you a spreadsheet of the annotations. Might be quite a job reuniting them with the images though.

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