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Where can contributors see viewing hits data on their images ?

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I would like to see data of some kind on which of my images have been viewed, how many times, which were zoomed, search tags used, etc and maybe geographical location of viewer.

So for one or more of these , is this possible and how ?


Any further way of seeing trends, search terms used, and when, would also be useful. A means of entering a tag and seeing when its been used for example.



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Do you mean in addition to what we see in Alamy Measures? I sometimes find it useful to use All of Alamy as well as my images. You can put a search term in with % and see how many people have used it. That is overall, of course, and it is only in Your Images that you see what was viewed in your own portfolio.  Perhaps you know this and I am misunderstanding your question.



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I wasnt aware of Alamy Measures so that may well suffice., however...

I see I have 77 total views but how do I find out which images were involved ?


for zooms 1,  I clicked on the number 1 (only been contributing a few weeks) and was shown the image.

returning to that data page the 1 is no longer clickable.


I also see indication of the most used search tags for all of Alamy, girl smiling for the default date it offers if I click on view to put the max number at the top,

selecting a different date range, such as Aug 1st 2016 until now sees nothing happen, there is no refresh button, but after some time, it suddenly changed to show Donald Trump as max searched on.

UCO is useful as one can see the most interest number of people in that tag, so e.g. Donald Trump Playing Golf has UCO 3    zoom 1     71 views.


Can I just check....bit puzzled....is that 3 unique searchers given 71 views.

Clicking on the wording Donald Trump Playing Golf shows 12 thumbnails, many of which are him nowhere near a golf course !, so how do 12thumbs constitute 71 views for 3 unique searchers ?



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Well you owe me a box of chocolates because I had to sign in and select around a street sign to get to my dashboard. Go to Measures then click on Your Images. If you click on your pseudonym ( it will be blue) a whole world will open up to you. The default is one month but you can also choose Yesterday or you can use the calendar to select a range of dates. It can be useful to click on Your Zooms in the black bar at the top because that will bring your zooms to the top. Then if you click on the search term you will see all your images viewed with the zoomed one selected. Have fun. Lots of possibilities. I wonder if there are instructions anywhere for this. I have used trial and error and things that are mentioned in the Forum.



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select around a street sign

not quite sure of that manoeuvre !

Not able to get choccies to the USA easily, probably melt as well, I'll blow you a kiss, will that do :D

ah yes, clicking my Pseudonym opens up a world.


Might enable me to seek out what I have yet to upload,  that many peeps are searching on. Establish what bait the fish are also interested in , might be worth a try if I am after sales, plug some gaps out there etc.


many thanks

not forgetting the choccy substitute   x !


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14 hours ago, NYCat said:

Well you owe me a box of chocolates because I had to sign in and select around a street sign to get to my dashboard. Go to Measures then click on Your Images. If you click on your pseudonym ( it will be blue) a whole world will open up to you. The default is one month but you can also choose Yesterday or you can use the calendar to select a range of dates. It can be useful to click on Your Zooms in the black bar at the top because that will bring your zooms to the top. Then if you click on the search term you will see all your images viewed with the zoomed one selected. Have fun. Lots of possibilities. I wonder if there are instructions anywhere for this. I have used trial and error and things that are mentioned in the Forum.



Indeed there is a wealth of information about one's own photos available, but it took me at least 5 months before I released this was possible, and then I think only because I happened to read something in a forum thread. I do really think Alamy could post a blog or something about how to do this, as they do about many other aspects of their website.

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Good idea, Sally. I have just put that suggestion in the Suggestions section. If you have ideas that I didn't touch on you could add them to that thread.



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