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Keword Spamming affecting results in mew Manage Images

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Just did a search and again irrelevant images are being returned because of the way the new system treats spam kewords or thats what I suspect.



I search for sailplane and get Jet if I'm getting that what are customers getting?????





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That's a perennial problem not caused by the new IM. The sanction for spammy keywording is a damaged rank, and you and I wouldn't tag a glider as a jet, but it's come, no doubt, from sloppy use of a keyword generator and it can't actually be prevented.

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Thanks Ian I should know better was P1 at the time I can't spell Schleicher either .









​Just tried its my BHZ image and if I do I have to put in all the tags again to get BHZ as the first tag just for one p

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