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AoA Research Paying Off

Jill Morgan

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I started awhile ago to try and diligently (not always successful) go over All of Alamy and see what searches I may have missed due to keyword mistakes.


About 4 months ago I noticed a search for a city skyline with the year in the search.  I realized that my photos of the Toronto Skyline did not have the year in the keywords or caption.  Somehow thinking that people would search date taken.


So I went in to all my Toronto skyline photos and put in the year the image was taken.


Today, 2 zooms for Toronto skyline 2015, and in total there were only 114 images with 2015 in the keywords.  There are over 6,000 total and with skylines changing constantly, it kind of knocks you on the head how important the year in the keywords is.  How many of the 6,000 were from last year I have no idea, and I"m sure a photo editor doesn't want to sift either.  He would have to do at least a 2 year date taken filter to get all the 2015's, and of course he would get all the 2016's as well as some 2014's.


Research can pay off.  Lets just hope one of these gets sold and that would really make the work worthwhile.



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Isnt it kind of ridiculous that the date taken box is not referenced in searches? I used to think the location box was referenced, so never included place info in the keywords! Doh!


The date taken is referenced in searches. I had some views yesterday where the date isn't in the keywords but a search was made using (DT).


The location box also used to be searchable but it isn't now.



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Actually I gave it some thought. I think I've understood. Location can be relevant or incidental to the picture. You don't want pictures of dentures taken in a studio in Hong Kong, coming up in Hong Kong searches. Reckon it would be better to give title more weight in searches however.

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Isnt it kind of ridiculous that the date taken box is not referenced in searches? I used to think the location box was referenced, so never included place info in the keywords! Doh!

The date taken is referenced in searches. I had some views yesterday where the date isn't in the keywords but a search was made using (DT).




That's correct John, but presumably only if the client chooses to use the DT feature. If they just use the year within their search terms I guess it won't be found under date taken.


I had a zoom last week where the client specified a particular month (not a date), now that's food for further thought...

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