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In the Voice of a Leica

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Have any of you seen this very creative Leica ad? It alludes to Robert Capa, although he is never mentioned by name. Some of the details are off . . . if they are speaking of Capa . . . but then Leicas don't actually talk so we must assume an element of fantasy and fiction here. Maybe some German speakers will catch a few things I've missed by being limited to reading the captions? 


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And thank you, Wim. Sometimes one word can change the meaning. 


I can't say I'm a big fan of Robert Capa. His fame was built on two questionable events: The Falling Soldier (was it faked)?, and what really happened to his D-Day pictures? Of the five guys who formed Magnum in 1947, I think Cartier-Bresson was the only special talent. 


But I don't question Capa's bravery. He was the first PJ to die in Vietnam and that makes us brothers, since I spent some time there during the American war. 

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