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Welcome, Marc.  I hope you enjoy being a part of Alamy and sales eventually come to you.  Don't expect sales immediately.  With millions of images on Alamy, your few will be lost until you build up a healthy portfolio.  Just keep plugging away, do your best work, and  celebrate when your first sale comes in!

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Welcome, Marc Lucas. I particularly enjoyed your D9RCP4 - Working Dog

I suggest you make CAPTION more specific to actual scene, such as including key words from your description (remember, searches do not include description info): "Labrador retrieving long stick in water" or "Labrador, a working dog in water, retrieving stick from river" or....


Also, in captions, avoid using "shot"or "picture" when they mean PHOTO, since they're, at best, wasted words. If you need to include a general noun, consider "View" or "Scene"....


- Ann

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