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Essential keywords

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Do you use this plug in?






I use the Plug-In but usually upload via the web. Yesterday after entering essential keywords in Lightroom, and then editing and saving in PhotoShop, I noticed my essential keyword field was black when I later uploaded via the web to Alamy. Maybe this only works if you export the photos from Lightroom?


The Plug-In is also supposed to sync photos on your hard drive with images already uploaded to Alamy though I don't usually use this function.

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I have posted my workflow here before.... It is (very basically)..


- Export from LR as JPG with a renaming structure that incorporates the filename.

- Upload to Alamy via web (or FTP if news).

- Wait for the images the appear in "manage images"

- Use "fetch alamy data" from the plug-in, this matches the filenames to the LR image

- add the essential & main keywords, the caption and set the attributes (Pseudonym, type, persons etc).

- Use "Set Alamy data" from the plug in to add this to Alamy and the files move to being ready...


At any future point, as the images in LR and Alamy are linked, I can update the data in LR and send it to Alamy.....


Obviously, in LR it's easy to copy/paste, sync metadata etc so updating multiple files is much easier than in the website.....

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