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I notice that any keywords added in Lightroom are transferred to the Comrehensive Keywords box in Alamy Manage Images. Together with the commas that you have to put in in LR to separate words. Also they are in alphabetical order as that's how LR re-arranges them, not on order of relevance which is how you need them to be in Alamy.


Does anyone have any suggestions how to handle this? Thanks.

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There is an LR plugin that allows you to type in the comp keys, ess keys etc and submit images from within Lightroom. It doesn't work for me though as I re-name my images on export - it relies on the names within LR and within Alamy being the same. I'm sure others will chip in with the name of it. 


Otherwise, copying and pasting keywords between the fields is part of the cost of doing business with Alamy (if you consider your time to be a cost, that is).  

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