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Quick question about people in cars

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I know that if there's even a small part of a person visible in the image, you need to indicate that there are persons present when filling out image details.   However, I'm not sure what to do when there are vehicles on roads in an image (relatively small), and the people aren't visible (too dark, etc).  Do you still have to say there are people present if you can't make out any part of them in the image?

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I am making it an RM image anyways, but I wasn't sure how to answer "How many people in the image?" if I can't make out any figures in the cars.  If nobody can be seen, not even a body part, would it be correct to say "none", even though obviously there must be one or more people in the vehicles.

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If nobody can be seen, not even a body part, would it be correct to say "none", even though obviously there must be one or more people in the vehicles.


That's what I do. By the same token, if I take a photo of an office block during the day it's safe to assume there will be people in each office but unless they can actually be seen through the window I don't count them.


And anyway, we have the technology nowadays for driverless cars :)



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