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What if Alamy started  to presenting the contributors photos in   more exposure equal way  for more Potential sale .... like photographer of the week or something... because of the Huge numbers of images .. Thanks.

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This is already taken care of really.  Upload regularly (even small numbers) and your (appropriately keyworded) images will appear under the 'New' tab for any given search.  The newer (i.e. most recently uploaded) they are, the closer to the top of the page they will be.

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This is already taken care of really.  Upload regularly (even small numbers) and your (appropriately keyworded) images will appear under the 'New' tab for any given search.  The newer (i.e. most recently uploaded) they are, the closer to the top of the page they will be.


...And a good ranking takes care of almost everything else. Not 'promotion', exactly, but it means you're in the shop window... not on the dusty old shelves at the back of the store...

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The best system for ensuring that photographers get good exposure is to have a 'bestsellers' or 'most popular' search option, or else build that into standard searches (which seems to be becoming an industry standard amongst large suppliers).  This means that images that have the best sales potential will be where both buyers and contributors want them: on the first page of search results.  The problem with ranking is that it's odds-on that a contrib's duff work will appear first in search results. 


For photographers it offers some hope of escaping volume production perdition.  If you are prepared to put some time in analysing the results you can find yourself productively producing a small number of images each week knowing that enough will be at the front of the store to make this more than worthwhile. 

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At the end of the day Alamy is a numbers game. Get your keywording and ranking right and the rest will take care of itself. Featuring the odd image is unlikely to help bearing in mind the thousands of contributors and millions of images on offer. Needle in a haystack.


Good thought though.



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all photographers want to be noticed whether that is looking for sales or some ego stroking (we all need a little of that one way or another) Showcase examples are an attempt by Alamy and all other agencies to get clients to look at what is on offer. I'm not at all sure they are the images which actually sell.


The surest way to get clients to look at your images is to have them answer frequently and accurately to key word searches. I'm afraid you have a problem there. It is a grim reality that English is far and away the predominant language of the internet photo market and you have a real disadvantage with English not being your first language. I'm sorry to be blunt about it, but you really need to do more work there. 


Any chance you could find one of those backpacking students travelling on their gap year who fancied helping and a chance to make a little money? You don't need to throw half the dictionary in the keyword fields, but you really have used very few words at the first couple of pages I looked at. just calling fruit apples or pears is not enough, If you specify the variety, your chances improve hugely. Naming the architect for a modern building is a good idea. So many photographers find keywording tedious , but it is the way forward. If you make a spelling mistake, your photos become almost invisible. Spellchecker is your friend!

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This is already taken care of really.  Upload regularly (even small numbers) and your (appropriately keyworded) images will appear under the 'New' tab for any given search.  The newer (i.e. most recently uploaded) they are, the closer to the top of the page they will be.


Huh?  Red arrow?  Sorry, I don't get it.


EDIT: oo-er - it's gone!  Thank you to my mysterious benefactor. :)

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