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Does anyone know what's the criteria Alamy uses to classify images under the Creative category in oppose to the Relevancy one?

Is it controlled by the search engine or is it a decision made by editors in Alamy?

Thanks, Gabriel Rif


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I believe it is a combination of both. Some images, especially those from agencies it seems, are selected by Alamy and then turn up in creative for any search for which they have keywords. Others are keyword specific and have got there due to sales and zoom history. However, just because an image has sold doesn't mean it automatically goes into creative so I don't know exactly how it works. It certainly doesn't seem to be anything to do with creativity as many images included are similar to those not included.



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The only images 'classified' as creative have been hand-picked using editors from elsewhere.  The only criteria used, aside from release data, appear to be visual: are they nice, interesting, eye-catching or visually arresting?  Content appears to be irrelevant (at least compared with other creative collections). 


Other than hand-picked, the automated, or semi-automated system they have introduced to collect wildcard images that creative buyers might be interested is utterly baffling – or must be to buyers.  A buyer types in a keyword or two and a few images appear above the line, does a few other searches, tries again for the first set and maybe varies the keywording slightly.  Now images that had appeared just above the line are just below (if they are highly ranked). 


This must cause a lot of bemusement - but is probably the best that can be done without having an editing team in-house. 



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