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Alamy Live News - Exclusivity


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I realise this is similar to another thread on here, but I would like to see an exclusivity box for Live News uploads.


The implications are quite obvious and would be beneficial to both Alamy and the relevant contributors.


Any thoughts on this would be appreciated... especially from Alamy

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Thanks for your input Phil.

This is obviously only of interest to people who submit to the Live News feed.

At a time when there is a lot of mumbling about falling prices I would have thought that this would be a no-brainer.

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My understanding is that if Alamy assist you with credentials then you are honour bound to only submit to them initially (at least during the live news period of 48 hours) which is the policy I have always had and stuck with.


For self found / "Alamy unsupported" news then I'd be inclined to submit to the agency who I best felt would 


( a ) get it out to the marketplace

( b ) get me the highest fee


but I would still only look to place with one outlet (at least per geography).


What I don't know/can't tell is what or how much of what is uploaded to the Live News feed is every pro-actively passed out to the nationals and other outlets. Clearly there is good success with weather images, but I'm not sure what the focus is or the appetite to push out a high percentage. We have never had any real feedback on this, or the promised blog or video (by James in one of his 3-part videos) from the Live News team.


I'm not sure that in the absence of some more information on the likelihood of my content being actively marketed that I would be willing to mark it exclusive in case it was found due to some social media comment, or because of a request from elsewhere.


Anything that I thought would merit an "Exclusive" deal with a national newspaper (like for example the Saatchi/Lawson images from last year) then I wouldn't be going through Alamy anyway. Sorry but thats a direct deal or via a more established/experienced route. 


Does anyone have an example of a "World Exclusive" Sun/Daily Star front page style sale through Live News ?

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Thanks Mike,


For clarification


The original suggestion was for an "exclusive" box so that Alamy could be sure that they were the only agency that had access to the photographs. This allows them to negotiate higher prices knowing the photos are exclusive to Alamy.


They could potentially be sold to multiple outlets but be sure that they were'nt being haggled down on price because they are available elsewhere.

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I agree and understand.


I guess my feeling is that very few of the images on Alamy Live News are really exclusives in the true sense of the word, and I'd be very interested in a formal confirmation that they would indeed be capable of taking advantage of the ticked box...


But in principal of course it would make sense.

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When I first started uploding to the news feed I spoke to a woman in the Live News team and she asked me if the photos were exclusive to Alamy (They were only weather photos). I dont know what she did with that information but circumstances can change. How do they know if the photographs I'm uploading now are exclusive or not?


The simple truth is... They don't

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My understanding is that if Alamy assist you with credentials then you are honour bound to only submit to them initially (at least during the live news period of 48 hours) which is the policy I have always had and stuck with.


The above is correct.


Aside from that, although we can see the perceived benefits in having an exclusivity box upon upload, it would require a significant shift in our approach and contract at time where there are other site improvements we are working on that take priority. 





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