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Malware?? Need help

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Yesterday, after putting in a DVD of old images from 2006, a box popped up that says:

"DeployPlatform.gqa" will damage your computer.

This file was downloaded on an unknown date.

inside of this box is an  OK box

and a "Show in Finder" box, both within the warning box.

A line with "Report malware to Apple to protect other users.


I have clicked on the "Show in Finder" box multiple times and get no response for Finder, but the same warning box pops up again. Over & over.

The only thing I clicked on out of the ordinary yesterday was the John Morrison blog, but that wasn't on my iMac, it was on my iPad.  I can't think my DVD was the problem, it was burned years ago from images taken with my Nikon D200 from a folder on my desktop...who knows what computer I was using then, but I have never had a virus or malware on any of my Macs. Or PC back in the days before Mac.

I can't understand why "Show in Finder" doesn't work, and I don't know how to find this file and delete it.  Incidentally, Bridge quit working when all of this happened. I'm using Bridge 22 as I hate the newest one.

At one point, I had a popup box when I clicked on the "show in finder" box that spoke of malware and gave me a link I clicked on that then told me Safari was not connected to the Internet.

I found I still had Firefox, so brought that up. It works, & that's what I'm using at the moment. I just checked PS & Bridge, & Bridge loaded, but the "Show in Finder" box still doesn't work.


I'm at a total loss what to do. Right now as I type this, the warning, "DeployPlatform.gqa" box is front and center. I cannot get rid of it, and I can't find out where to find it in the guts of this computer.

HELP!!! Most of you are aware how incompetent I am with computer technology.  Any instructions for me will need to be straightforward & simple. As in: #1 do this. #2 do this. etc. Don't say go to blah blah and do this because I probably can't find blah blah. :lol:


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Thanks guys. I tried your link, Michael. What was on my computer didn’t line up with the step directions exactly, but I think I got to the place I needed somehow! The warning didn’t disappear, but I didn’t reboot right away since my body was tied up in knots by the time I wrote out all of the instructions on paper first. And that was after messing with the computer for ages…total 3 1/2 hours.  It’s dinnertime now. I’ll reboot later.
If that didn’t work, I’ll move on to Mark’s link. I knew I count on you forum regulars, you guys are worth your weight in gold.

I’m still very puzzled how it got installed on my computer. My Mac is used pretty much for my stock work only. I look at email on my iPad.
I did read email on the Mac up to a couple of months ago before I got my new iPhone because one of my email addresses on my old phone & iPad didn’t work…something to do with the technical stuff I don’t understand! When I got my new phone, I took my iPad with me & those smart young guys still wet behind the ears sorted it. I expect these days a 6 year old could do it. I’m very careful about what I open up in email. I guess all it takes is one thing, but I’d think it would have shown up a couple of months ago before I quit doing mail on the Mac.

Again, thanks! I’ll let y’all know one way or the other probably tomorrow. I’m whipped for now. You know the saying, “the old grey mare she ain’t”…and so on. 😁

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When I turned the computer on this morning, the box popped up but it asked me if I wanted to use it. I said no, & it disappeared. I’m not sure if all the bits are gone, but hey, I’ll take what I can get.  Bridge is working again. Yay!

I told my family I would no longer look at the links they send me. There’s only two culprits. 😎🥷

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I have become so careful to not click on anything that I didn’t expect to come my way.  Still, the bad guys are one step ahead, thinking of new ways to get you.  Such a shame that clever people use their skills for bad purposes.  

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4 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

I have become so careful to not click on anything that I didn’t expect to come my way.  Still, the bad guys are one step ahead, thinking of new ways to get you.  Such a shame that clever people use their skills for bad purposes.  


All it takes is one bad programmer, and all the script kiddies download his program and run it.   Ir's amazing how much damage IRC kiddies could do with programs from the Dark Web.

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7 hours ago, Michael Ventura said:

I have become so careful to not click on anything that I didn’t expect to come my way.  Still, the bad guys are one step ahead, thinking of new ways to get you.  Such a shame that clever people use their skills for bad purposes.  

I have had a computer since the mid 80s & this is the first time I’ve gotten anything. I started with PCs & had maybe two before going to Macs because the PCs crashed too often.  It stinks to finally succumb.

Still, you guys came through for me. 😘

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