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What happened to the Basic Photoshop Photography plan?

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I was browsing through Adobe's current plans, and I see the have dropped the base photography plan for Photoshop.  They still have the one that comes with 1TB of storage, but not the plan that used to come with PS and LR Classic with no storage.  It has become strictly LR with 1 TB of storage.


I subscribe to the full Adobe package, so it doesn't affect me.  How long has PS been dropped from the base photography plan?  Just curious.



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1 hour ago, Vincent Lowe said:


That's interesting.  Here is the link to the Canada plans. https://www.adobe.com/ca/creativecloud/plans.html

The $12.99 plan is missing.  



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Now here is something interesting.  If I am signed in, I can still get the $12.99 plan, but if I am not, then it doesn't appear in the choices. 


I just realized that if I choose the Photo choices, it shows up, but not if I choose the "All" choices 


So here is a new question.  Is the PS in the cheap Photo plan different than the PS in the Graphics choices?
As the PS in the Graphics choices is $29.99 and only comes with Adobe Fresco which is $12.99. And I find it pretty useless anyway. Kittl is much better.


So even as a graphic designer, the cheap photo plan would be the better option if you just wanted PS.  And most graphics people need Illustrator anyway so opt for the whole package.



Edited by Jill Morgan
Found the cheap plan under "Photo" options
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2 hours ago, IKuzmin said:

As always, it's right here for $9.99, logged-in or not.


That's what I  noticed, it was in the photo plans, but if I look at All plans, it isn't listed.



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