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I wrote to Alamy trying to get clarification on their selling my photo copyright.  Moseley Road is not the copyright holder, I am.  Alamy needs to be credited with the source of the images. Nothing about the creator photographer.  So for 15.00 Minus commission resulting in 9 dollars, Alamy sold my copyrighted photo and the copyright to the photo for a book which can be the cover.


How does Alamy sell the copyright to my photos? I thought they were still mine.  I brought this up to them and nothing has changed as you can see below for the photo I no longer own on November 8, 2023.  I would say that Alamy said it would be taken care of, whatever that meant, but since I was banned from the forum for truthfully pointing things out about previous issues with payments which had a lot of supportive comments, I should not say anything on here other than you can see the data yourself which was pulled today, December 18, 2023.


I didn’t realize they are selling the copyrights to our photos and having them site Alamy still but not myself, the photographer.  Maybe I am missing something here? If so, could someone let me know as this really was the first time I noticed they sold the copyright with my photo. Is this new? Normal? Part of the contract? This is a serious inquiry as I feel like I must be missing something here.


free Country: Worldwide
Usage: Editorial, Editorial Use. Rights Granted for print and digital for use with affiliates worldwide as long as they cite Moseley Road as the copyright holder and Alamy as the source of the images. Includes in context promotion.
Media: Book, print and/or e-book
40 MB
4896 x 2840 pixels 
1 MB compressed
Print run: up to 50,000
Placement: Any - print cover & inside, electronic, online
Image Size: Any size
Start: 08 November 2023
Duration: In perpetuity
$ 15.00
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My guess is that copyright that Moseley Road has is for something other than your photo. But I would also be concerned by this - as I was by the use of images for syndicated articles produced by PA Media. 


Hopefully, Alamy will provide you with an explanation.

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as you have not identified the image, it's hard to figure what this might be about. For sure Alamy are not in the business of actually selling copyrights, only licences. The terms and duration and media are getting more diverse every day. I don't see how Moseley Road can possibly be the copyright holder. The nearest I ever got to a copyright sale was an exclusive use for an industry sector for 3 years and that sure as hell wasn't in the $15 region.

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They did write me to say it would be corrected but as of today it is still listed the same.  You asked about what photo it is PDGDRE.  There is no justification for them selling the copyright AND stating Alamy needs to be cited but nothing about the contributor.  It’s just one more step away from why I began with Alamy.  

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