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Sunday Afternoon Pastime: Photog ID Help

Martin L

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A bit of a long shot this but can anyone identify:

1. The photog?

2. The model?

3. The camera ( it is some large format polaroid, unfortunately the 'alamy' water mark obscures it a bit)


Google Lens and other searches haven't turned up much

Probably nobody well known but you never know

I took it in Red Square, Moscow 1990



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Can't help with the model or photographer but I'm guessing that the camera would be a Mamiya RB67 or RZ67 with a polaroid back in place. The film back is probably amongst the detritus on the ground which would help to identify it.

Edited by Harry Harrison
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16 minutes ago, Harry Harrison said:


Can't help with the model or photographer but I'm guessing that the camera would be a Mamiya RB67 or RZ67 with a polaroid back in place. The film back is probably amongst the detritus on the ground which would help to identify it.

+1- what's on the floor looks very much like a rotating back, or even two backs- I fancy I see the circular bearing and the shiny dark slide. The rest of the gubbins is a flash head and its battery pack, and what looks like a meter case.

He's holding a developing Polaroid, possibly in a cold clip. Traditionally you put it in your armpit to keep it warm.

Looking at the catches on the legs  I think the tripod is a Manfrotto- Gitzos had sleeve-type locks.

Edited by spacecadet
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Thanks both, in the orig you can just make out 'Polaroid' on the back plate so that makes sense , I guess it helps that he is holding some polaroid film :) .

Terrific help ta



Edited by Martin L
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