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can this windshield be polarized via Photoshop?

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there is no way to polarize post-exposure, right?
(hope I'm wrong)
in past with film, I carried circular polarizer;
it eliminated reflection;
driver would have been easily seen;
greatly increasing marquee contrast
brought out "TRAINING BUS" a bit more, but
what about seeing driver better...?
please advise, thanks in advance...
Edited by Jeffrey Isaac Greenberg
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I think you're right. I hesitate to say impossible and become a hostage to fortune in this age of generative AI (which I have never used) but I can't envisage any way of putting the actual driver back in the image. 


You can simulate the effect of a polariser on blue sky in Photoshop - best done on the raw image in ACR or LR by darkening the blue luminosity and increasing the blue saturation but removing reflections is asking to put something back in that the camera didn't capture. I would use a mask on the raw file in ACR/LR and try the Dehaze control to improve the image, which might work a bit better than the marquee selection and contrast change in Photoshop (however you are doing the contrast change).  The dehaze tool is just a slider and well worth becoming familiar with.


There is no reason you can't use a polariser with a digital camera - it is not just for film if that is what you mean - unless your camera can't use a polarised easily (retractable lens).



Edited by MDM
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I suppose I question whether its really necessary? Although there is a nice smiley bus driver, I'm guessing that the possible use would be more about driver training, so I probably would try and emphasize the text even more. The viewer inherently knows there's a driver, and the trainer (presumably) is evidently outside the bus. Just my 2c :)

Edited by StokeCreative
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38 minutes ago, MDM said:

I think you're right. I hesitate to say impossible and become a hostage to fortune in this age of generative AI (which I have never used) but I can't envisage any way of putting the actual driver back in the image. 


You can simulate the effect of a polariser on blue sky in Photoshop - best done on the raw image in ACR or LR by darkening the blue luminosity and increasing the blue saturation but removing reflections is asking to put something back in that the camera didn't capture. I would use a mask on the raw file in ACR/LR and try the Dehaze control to improve the image, which might work a bit better than the marquee selection and contrast change in Photoshop (however you are doing the contrast change).  The dehaze tool is just a slider and well worth becoming familiar with.


There is no reason you can't use a polariser with a digital camera - it is not just for film if that is what you mean - unless your camera can't use a polarised easily (retractable lens).




I have used "Dehaze" to improve the view through glass.  It works like the contrast slider but only on the mid tones.




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1 hour ago, Allan Bell said:


I have used "Dehaze" to improve the view through glass.  It works like the contrast slider but only on the mid tones.




 According to Adobe, the Adjustment Brush Contrast slider mainly works on midtones. I rarely use it or dehaze for that matter as I prefer to control contrast with curves. I've tried dehaze on some images that were hazy and it can produce some half-decent results but it does mad things to the colour and saturation. I was really trying to encourage Jeff to try out the local adjustments on the raw file rather than the older and likely to be less effective technique of selecting and modifying contrast in Photoshop. 


In reality I have no doubt that this is a hopeless case. There is no way to bring back something that was not recorded in the first place. Reshoot would be the best option if that is possible.

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9 hours ago, MDM said:

 In reality I have no doubt that this is a hopeless case. There is no way to bring back something that was not recorded in the first place.

and for that reason I am letting images pass thru "as is";
thanks mates for all responses;
showing driver would, IMO, add value to image
because "student" driver is female minority...
AFAICT of ~351M PAlamy images
(288) 'training bus" images, 0 in US;
(8) Black female "training bus" images, 0 in US;
so I still have unicorns...?
next stop, Halloween "Day of the Dead" theme dance in public plaza...
Edited by Jeffrey Isaac Greenberg
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