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Hello Phil,


A good question. It has been discussed at length many times in the forum under the topic of "discoverability".


Have a  search of the forum for discoverability and you will find plenty to think about. 


For me it depends on the image, but usually less than 50.


In addition try this:







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I've been thinking that it probably makes sense to spend less time on tagging - not necessarily fewer tags if there are obvious ones - but just spending less time on this aspect of the whole process. 


Reasoning being that the Alamy collection continues to grow and grow and that, consequently, using only the strongest, most relevant tags is going to be beneficial in terms of CTR and Alamy Rank.


I certainly think it is counter-productive to be straining the brain cells adding fairly marginal extra tags.

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I just do the essential tags that describe what is in the image and find that 10 to 15 is often enough. I keep a spread sheet of every tag I have uses ( it is quite big after 15 years) and one of the things I log is how often the tag has been searched for in the last year. I used to add loads of tags but when I looked at my spread sheet in detail a few years ago I discovered around 25% of the tags I had used had never been searched and so I reduced the number I now use 

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