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Infringement payments


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I would find it useful to know which image is involved rather than just the payment. 


Could you please provide this information?


I have recently submitted a couple of potential infringements and have received two payments, I can make a good guess which is for which but it would be better to have that nice and clear


Presumably there could be a payment for an infringement that Alamy found and I knew nothing about?


I must add that I am quite pleased with the payment amounts if they are for the two I sent in. 

Edited by geogphotos
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Hi geogphotos, 

Thanks for your comments. If you look in your balance of account page the infringement revenue will appear in this page as 'other income' with the following line, 'Infringement revenue/ Alamy Image ID'. Please could you email contributors@alamy.com if you can't see this within your account balance page?




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43 minutes ago, Alamy said:

Hi geogphotos, 

Thanks for your comments. If you look in your balance of account page the infringement revenue will appear in this page as 'other income' with the following line, 'Infringement revenue/ Alamy Image ID'. Please could you email contributors@alamy.com if you can't see this within your account balance page?






Okay, found it thanks.  One of them was as thought, the other from an older enquiry, meaning that the other expected one is still outstanding. I can see how this could quickly become complicated and confusing.


I don't think that this information is included in any of the download options and I for one would find it helpful if it was. 


This is because I maintain a regular 'All Alamy Sales' spreadsheet which I download approx every month and use to see if potential infringements show up as sales - if paid for infringements are missing from this I won't pick them up as settled.


Perhaps there is a reason - I'm just passing on my viewpoint on it. 



Edited by geogphotos
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On 12/05/2022 at 04:40, Alamy said:

Hi geogphotos, 

Thanks for your comments. If you look in your balance of account page the infringement revenue will appear in this page as 'other income' with the following line, 'Infringement revenue/ Alamy Image ID'. Please could you email contributors@alamy.com if you can't see this within your account balance page?






On a parallel question, I am curious why infringement payment is considered to be less valuable to Alamy and not included in meeting contributor threshold level?  You would think with the focus on this avenue under the revised contract which Introduced the levels they would be treated fairly and similarly. 

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