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Unexplained change in cleared balance

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Checking the site this morning to see if there were any sales, the 1st thing I noticed is that my cleared balance dropped by $4. I was curious as to why but there's nothing in the sales report or account balance tabs to suggest why this happened. In fact, the only evidence is that I've gotten used to seeing a particular number up there and now its a smaller number. $4 isn't much and if there was any sort of explanation (refund, a fee, etc..) I'd shrug and move on - but with many images selling for pennies, at least getting those pennies seems like a reasonable expectation. 


I remember this happened once in the past, and many different forum contributors noticed it too - it was brought up here and alamy admitted there had been some sort of mistake that was eventually rectified. Anyone else notice an inexplicable drop in the cleared balance? 

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8 minutes ago, antonsrkn said:

Checking the site this morning to see if there were any sales, the 1st thing I noticed is that my cleared balance dropped by $4. I was curious as to why but there's nothing in the sales report or account balance tabs to suggest why this happened. In fact, the only evidence is that I've gotten used to seeing a particular number up there and now its a smaller number. $4 isn't much and if there was any sort of explanation (refund, a fee, etc..) I'd shrug and move on - but with many images selling for pennies, at least getting those pennies seems like a reasonable expectation. 


I remember this happened once in the past, and many different forum contributors noticed it too - it was brought up here and alamy admitted there had been some sort of mistake that was eventually rectified. Anyone else notice an inexplicable drop in the cleared balance? 



have you checked  the "Net Revenue Sales Report"  (the report you get under Download Sales report button).  $4 is in the range of the retroactive "affiliate bonus" Alamy has been giving away more frequently since last July. 

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I have, I don't see anything labeled 'affiliate bonus' in there or any refunds/etc that would account for a $4 change.  We'll see - I'll check back at the end of the day and see if anything has updated or an affiliate bonus has popped up. 

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1 minute ago, antonsrkn said:

I have, I don't see anything labeled 'affiliate bonus' in there or any refunds/etc that would account for a $4 change.  We'll see - I'll check back at the end of the day and see if anything has updated or an affiliate bonus has popped up. 



the other thing is to add all your "Cleared" that are not "Paid" and see if that matches.  Maybe a sale that they believed cleared, was reversed somehow.  I vaguely remember this happening once. 

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A good suggestion - thank you.  But its a busy day and for $4 maybe more effort than is warranted.  If it doesn't make sense soon - I'll email alamy support. If they're taking a 60% commission on sales they might as well earn it by doing the legwork to figure out why there's a discrepancy. It already takes far too long for me to keyword images, prep them for sale, occasionally find/report sales Alamy left unreported - I shouldn't have to be doublechecking their math on top of that.  

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I had the same thing, only noticed it as my cleared balance dropped slightly, it was from a sale last September that had just been refunded ... another so called newsletter / presentation use that isn't possible to prove whether it has or hasn't been used ... which is why I dropped out of the personal use scheme, too many refunds. In my personal opinion, the time is way overdue for Alamy to enact a strict no refunds policy on personal use and presentation / newsletter sales ...

( To add insult to injury, I also had two sales for $1.00 each ! )

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I had the same thing happen and for exactly the same amount. I did query it with Alamy and was asked for screen prints. I explained I didn't have screen prints. I was told they'd ask their finance team to have a look and would get back to me as soon as they hear back from them.


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