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Thanks for the help getting going


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Hello all
having just had my first couple of submissions accepted, I wanted to drop by and say thanks for all the help and advice which forum members provide. Before I submitted anything, I spent quite some time reading through advice on QC and tagging in particular. With regard to QC, I doubt I'd have got through the initial submission without the guidance provided here.
It's quite an eye opener when you start looking at your own pictures through Alamy's eyes. Some are fine; some are easily salvageable (I 've always shot RAW so can go back through them and remove excess sharpening, noise, fringing etc); but an alarming number of my favourites are just going to have to stay on my hard drive.  
Maybe Alamy should open up a new category alongside Stock, News, Archive etc - the "Oh, go on, let it through, it might be a bit soft, but it's still lovely" category. We could get, say, 3 shots each....no make it 5. 10?
- Roger
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Hi Roger,

Thanks for reading through first rather than quick firing questions! Pretty much everything you need to know to get started is on the Forum somewhere as you point out.


Ah yes, the eternal, "I like my slightly dodgy picture, but should I submit it?" question 😄


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Thank you for this. We get some beginners asking lots of questions and then disappearing without a thank you. It is nice to know that people like you are probably being helped along the way at the same time.



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1 hour ago, NYCat said:

Thank you for this. We get some beginners asking lots of questions and then disappearing without a thank you. It is nice to know that people like you are probably being helped along the way at the same time.




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