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Any railway experts in the house?

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Slide dated 1979, assumed to be Saudi Arabia along with all the others in the same type of mount, but could have been re-mounted. The logo on the front is indistinct but does look like Arabic.



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Far from an expert, but have a look at this....


Sure it is made by EMD (USA),



scroll down to this bit....

Six-axle roadswitchers or Special Duty Locomotives (SD

and start having a look at those.


It's teatime, and bath time, so can't help further. But hope that helps !



Edited by AlbertSnapper
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Also manifestly not an expert, but in some cases the SD designation was replaced with SDL for the KSA market with, for example, the SD50 locomotive appearing as the SDL50 in the kingdom. Not sure about the dates, though.


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