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Keyword Search Types (Best Practice)

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I was wondering if anyone knows if single keywords or keyword phrases are best on Alamy. Or should there be a mix. When I look at an image on the first page, I scroll down and see the keywords. They are all single that I have seen. Is that from the contributor, or just a list this site makes up. Also is it important for SEO here to have the same name in your original file upload here. Every site has its own algorithm, so I am just figuring it out here.  


Thank You

Kevin OConnell

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One more question that gets a little deeper. Will having to many keywords confuse the algorithm. Say I have a favorite picture of the Chicago skyline and in order to make my keywording green, I add 20 more tags that (ARE) relevant to the actual image, but not related to Chicago Skyline. Like the type time of day or night, colors, names of buildings in the image. The only keyword in this image that matters to me would be Chicago skyline. So what Im saying is, would the rest of the fluff thats relevant to the image, take away now from this image ranking higher for just the phrase (Chicago Skyline)?


I have my own website for years and do all my own SEO very well, so I do understand how to keyword for better rankings, but every site is different and has their own algorithm. So maybe having my discovery turn green doesn't really mean anything? 

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Every keyword that is relevant, is worth putting in but don't add non-relevant to just to get green designation for the image...the consensus is that it getting the Green discover-ability doesn't really help and could actually hurt if you have non-relevant keywords.

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