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Google to use User photos and coments in ads

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Google to put YOUR photos, comments in online ads...FYI: If you use blogger for your blog,get your own website and link the photos you'd put into your blog if you do not want Google to be snagging those for their ads.



Nothing you can do if you agreed to their TOS at sign up.


I wonder how they will handle it when someone steals our ad-especially of a famous person and uses it in an ad or endorsement.


Oprah is going after all of the bogus supplement companies that used her name or likeness in online ads for acai and Reversitrol.

I believe Dr.Oz is as well.




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There is an article about Google's change here http://allthingsd.com/20131011/google-turns-on-social-advertising-but-holds-back-on-larger-personalization-play/  The first link in this article will take you to https://www.google.com/policies/terms/changes/ where Google explains the changes.


If you read Google's explanation of the changes, you will see this statement, right near the top: "You can control whether your image and name appear in ads via the Shared Endorsements setting." (that link is from the Google page, came from me copying Google's text - it's not one I added).


So, as far as I can tell you can opt out by going to the Shared Endorsements settings in your Google profile, and you have about a month to do it.




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There is an article about Google's change here http://allthingsd.com/20131011/google-turns-on-social-advertising-but-holds-back-on-larger-personalization-play/  The first link in this article will take you to https://www.google.com/policies/terms/changes/ where Google explains the changes.


If you read Google's explanation of the changes, you will see this statement, right near the top: "You can control whether your image and name appear in ads via the Shared Endorsements setting." (that link is from the Google page, came from me copying Google's text - it's not one I added).


So, as far as I can tell you can opt out by going to the Shared Endorsements settings in your Google profile, and you have about a month to do it.





Yeah.... and thats what I've done. Opted out.


If you go in and read the small print they give you a link to change the settings...... they are probably hoping people will not bother opting to look at the small print!

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But,if someone steals OUR images and posts them on google and google uses them in their ads....

Don't they know they celebrity or any person that no release is available will land them in court?



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Google, Facebook/Instagram all seem to be adopting the same terms on the use of their users data. After all this is a free service. They need to pay for this system. You know how they are really scraping the bottom of the purse for spare cash and all that? 


I've have opted out of all that carry on. I know photographers that are all over the place. Google+, Facebook, Instagram, twitter, Flickr, Zenfolio, Smugmug, 500px and forums to name a few. They share every picture they have ever taken in they hope that one day someone is going to come chapping at their door with a big giant cheque and saying "Well done, you're an amazing photographer" 


It's just not going to happen. These free services providers have been waiting a long time to drop this on folk. They got the point where people couldn't bare to be without the service, filling up the databases with data that could be used. They then change their ToS and all hell breaks loose. 


No picture is safe online, but with the right knowledge and careful thought, it can be limited. Thanks to the guys here, I've wrapped my knuckles over the last year with it all, but I feel for theses people who are blind to it. 

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There are indeed many things that you can do. I was for years as example on Microstock selling hundreds and hundreds of images for RF use. I sold so many that you can not even have a small bit of control. So leaving microstock and entering "traditional stock" is allready a first step to not make your images look like discount products and have more control.


Thinking as a client i believe that Alamy or similar sites has also big advantages to microstock. It is not only the other way. If i would be a client and i look at a image at a RF Microstock image i would directly think that i am sharing this image with hundreds of other people. Buying a image on Alamy gives a feeling of originality. Especially because of the 40 million images and higher price and RM possibility. Cheaper doesnt mean always more attractive to people.



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You could however use their advertising to your advantage. Watermark the hell out your images with all sorts of back-linking to your site. Google won't use the image if it's all WM'd to hell. Sure it's not pretty but if I wanted to stop people stealing my car, I'll put eyelashes on it or paint it brown before I go through that hassle lol 

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