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OK peeps do your worst


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I also noticed you described her as a "lady" and didn't put "woman" in your keywords. Alamy also suggests putting in age ranges if you are good at judging that.



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Love your Robin feeding from hand. Check the difference in the result for a search for Robin hand and Robin on hand. Yours has an excellent rank on both. Don't let it go to waste.

Is it cheeky? Hmm. Do clients ever use cheeky for a Robin? Contributors do.

So yes keywords:

Which yacht? Owned by whom? Maker? Designer? Wharf? How many feet?

Ok it's Kismet. Via Google Images.

The concrete screen could do with the keywords brutalism and brutalist.

Use All of Alamy:

%brutalis% gives me also: brutalism London and brutalism UK.

Maybe also check how many searches there have been in the running year for some of your other favorite subjects.

And find new ones that clients are looking for.



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Cheers for the replies

David, I will try to correct keywords and Paulette didn't think of that, a few around that time were key worded very quickly. Mental note go back over previous uploads.

Wim, praise indeed thank you. I have never known how to use All of Alamy properly and obviously I need to think a bit more about the why's and wherefores.

Is there an easy way to learn AOA.

Thanks again


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