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Haven't got round to removing PU on a lot of of my images yet.  


Just had one pop up today.  The interior of a Pret a Manger - Personal Use?  Yeah - right.


I have been looking at my PU sales over the past few years and have noticed that quite a lot of them have discounted prices.  How come a person who wants to use one of my images for the their 'non commercial use' can negotiate a discount?  Why does Alamy allow these images to be licensed for less than the stated price?  I have always been led to believe that discounts are applied to 'bulk' sales.  Obviously I'm wrong but would appreciate some sort of explanation from Alamy.  


I doubt I'll receive one but I am getting royally p****d off with being shafted.

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2 hours ago, Cryptoprocta said:

One reason for the price difference could be that PU prices are very different, when converted, in different countries.

However, that may not apply in your case.

You could contact support, but you'd likely get a 'causes more questions' answer.

Thought that might be the case but the prices are so different it doesn't actually make any sense.  Wild differentiation. 

My cost of my latest PU licence is far more than what it should be.  

I just don't understand Alamy's logic - along with the thousands of other contributors.  


It's a mystery.

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