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That's a blow 15 of my images being removed from Alamy.


Ralph Court Gardens have contacted Alamy saying that they have a notice on their entrance door stating that photograph is not for commercial use but private use only, when it was put there I do not know but it was definitely not there when my wife and I visited.


I have been doing a bit of a search though and have found that a photographer is exhibiting work from the gardens in h.Art art week starting on the  8th September and some of his work is similar to mine, so this could explain the appearance of the notice. 



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Not an argument you can win against the absolute discretion term in the contributor contract. Just another kick in the teeth- every tin-pot attraction is combing the libraries now apparently.

If you can prove it wasn't there when you took the images, you'd have a case against them for breach of contract, but it wouldn't be worth much. You could try appealing on those grounds with Alamy.

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