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Dave Colman

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    Photography and WW2 history.


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  • Joined Alamy
    03 Jan 2021

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  1. I'm showing 29th May last update, but also I went through my old images and redid a lot of my 'poor discoverability' ones and they are not showing as changed. On my dashboard still the same number as over a week ago.
  2. Buses. Nothing as I said and then 2 sales this week, one was $xxx
  3. Just to get back on topic, I have a sale finally, my biggest one ever. So it was worth waiting for, $xxx for a Chinese city during lockdown.
  4. Thanks for the replies, probably my sales are like buses for arrival. I know images can be topical and with a lot of mine from my time in China the interest might come and go. I will stick with it and continue uploading, was just wondering as it's my first lull.
  5. As the title says, I know we are likely to have ups and downs but do you get periods when sales just die? This was my first site to use for stock and I am still going back through to redo all my tags etc but everything was going fine until October last year and since then no a bean. My ctr has stayed the same and I am getting plenty of views but no sales. Nothing has changed with my upload, they are frequent and dare I say, other sites are ticking over so I thought really strange I have dropped off the radar so to speak.
  6. I have just had my first zero sale, turns out to be 15c so I get 3. I suppose I can't complain as it's the first one.
  7. Not happy to work for nothing hence the thread querying figures. As for wrecking peoples livelihoods, that's a bit dramatic considering I only started last year and from what I gauge in these forums money has been going down for years. Stock photography may not be therapy for you and many others but it is for me at present due to my situation. I have spent many years in photography from retail management with Jessops to freelance and professional work. I know people on these forums that I sold camera equipment to and advised in the past. I think you will find I have helped more than I have hindered.
  8. I'm not doing it for the money, have only been on stock sites just over a year. At the moment it gives me a reason to go out and something to concentrate on as I recover from long covid. I enjoy taking photos and this just gives me another option on what to do with them.
  9. Got my first 'big' image sale @ $26.26, then I looked at my account. Alamy commission 60% $9.45, distributor commission 40% $10.50. Is that right, I get hardly anything from the sale ? My last 2 sales were $1.91 and 80% commission of $1.53 taken. Barely seems worth it.
  10. Thanks for the replies, glitch I can go with as it will get sorted but after only selling 9 images this year I can't afford to lose money like that.
  11. I uploaded images yesterday and today my account balance is at -$8 because I got charged $2 per image for submission fees. What's going on, are we having to pay upfront for uploaded images now? please tell me it's an error
  12. I'm still new to all this stock photography so I am not sure about how much these changes will affect me. What I do know is that Alamy has 0 sales for me since jan 21, another site has got me 24 sales in 2 months and another 1 sale within a week of joining with an initial 18 images. Of course they are all selling for peanuts and Alamy has to compete with that but it seems as though the agencies seem to want to offload the 'little' guys and not bother with their small amounts of images.
  13. I'm rather hoping my images will be on the searches very soon. Live in Jiaxing which is where the communist party had 1st meeting 100 years ago and they are celebrating in 2 months time, should be huge and there is a rumoured internet block while it's on. Yesterday I went to Tainducheng which has come up on the wanted list and only 20 minutes away from me. Limited audience I know but I suppose i'm in a fairly unique area.
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