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Jill Morgan

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    The Back 40, Lindsay, Ontario


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  • Joined Alamy
    27 Jul 2013

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Community Answers

  1. I have 32gb of RAM and use a Radeon RX 580 GPU. I run a heavy load of software at once such as PS, Illustrator, Gigapixel and my various vinyl cutting apps. Adding more RAM and a GPU would definitely improve performance. Depending on your computer, if it is old, it may not be able to add a lot of RAM. I could run up to 64gb on mine. Jill
  2. The idea of having the whole batch fail is to motivate photographers to only upload technically correct images. In order to do it your preferred way, they would have to inspect every image, and as Paulette has pointed out that would mean hiring more people, people who like to be paid. And where does Alamy get their money? From us. So in order to inspect every image they would have to take a bigger piece of the pie than they already do. Photographers would become lazy and let Alamy do their pixel peeping for them. It isn't hard. I've only had one fail in 11 years. Jill
  3. Grand Bend, Ontario. Lighthouse at the end of the pier as the sunsets over a frozen Lake Huron. - Image ID: DXFKMM
  4. I got stuck in silver for almost a year. Once you get over $250 gross in sales you will jump back up to gold. With the low fees these days, tougher than it used to be. Jill
  5. I finally uploaded some images and they just hung in image manager at processing. So I refreshed the page and this is what I get: Anyone heard of any new issues with Image Manager? I know it has been fritzy on and off for the past while. Jill
  6. This I assume means such things as if the subject is wearing a red dress, you change it to purple. Or if a building is white, changing it to red. They say that you can alter the color of the entire image, but not primary subject alone, therefore affecting mood as opposed to content. This will be an ongoing thing with Alamy fine tuning what can and cannot be done. I don't think this affects noise control.
  7. I don't have a lot of summer mornings. Some winter though. But I do have these I took early one August morning on my way to a dog show. I love foggy shots.
  8. Thanks for picking my flyboarder. Lots of fabulous choices. Jill
  9. I started long ago when it was just film. First thing I did after buying a camera was take a night school course on photography. Then I took a course on developing and printing my own film. Ah, those were the days. Sitting on the bathroom floor rolling the film drum back and forth. I still have my old Vivitar 356 enlarger sitting in the driveshed. You don't need to start with film. And probably best to start with an older less complicated camera anyway. There is still a lot to learn and you way become overwhelmed by the number of choices and settings there are. My son found figuring out ISO the most challenging. If you get the basics (aperture, shutter speed and ISO) then you can move on the the other setting on the camera that will help improve your photography. As to wildlife, unless you can also afford a long telephoto, you won't have much success as most wildlife will not be within close shooting range. Since your camera will have be a lower MP one, you won't be able to crop in tightly. I shoot a lot of birds and use a 100-400 lens. It cost me $1000 used. Photography is a lot of fun. It won't make you much money though. Jill
  10. I've only had the one sale for $37 this month so far. A few zooms. Now, I haven't uploaded anything in over a year, so have to get at it. I do have a lot on the cards, but my real life tends to get in the way. When something is no longer being a great financial contributor, as image sales are these days, they tend to get thrown on the back burner. Jill
  11. Cleaning water off of the tarmac at Pearson Airport Toronto Flyboarder German Shepherd after Dock Diving retrieval
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