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Coastal wildflowers


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I have a couple of recent photos of a small wildflower garden next to the Scottish Seabird centre.  There is a notice listing the plants that may be found along the local coast, some of which may or may not be in the garden.  I have identified - I think - sea mayweed, bloody cranesbill and birds foot trefoil- but can anyone shed light on what else there is please?  This is the list given:

sea lyme grass, marram grass, mayweeds, silver wood, sea wormwood, wild wallflower, sea campion, scurvy grass, ladies’ bedstraw, biting stonecrop, purple thyme, blue harebells, viper’s bugloss, meadow cranesbill, clustered bellflower, red valerian, little ivy leaved toadflax, sea kale, oyster plant, wild hyacinths, sea mayweed, bloody cranesbill,  birds foot trefoil







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9 minutes ago, geogphotos said:

Leucanthemum vulgare, ox eye daisies - the big daisies with yellow centre

I don't think they are - think they are Tripleurospermum maritimum or sea mayweed

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