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Exposure Issues with LR Mobile for Alamy News

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I've been experimenting with using an FTP app and the Lightroom CC app on my iPhone, for Alamy news uploads. This is mainly because I will be shooting away from home at a few major events over the next few weeks.


I'm using FTP Manager and after an hour or so, managed to take a test photo (a weather news image), upload it to my iPhone 6 and FTP it from there to Alamy News. However, although I'm no stranger to Lightroom there seems to be a problem with the uploaded images, mainly that they are under exposed by at least 1 or 1 1/2 stops. I have been using the (now) "Classic" version since the Beta of v.1 and I teach it regularly, so that shouldn't be the issue and the images look perfectly exposed on my phone screen.


I'm just wondering if there is something I'm missing, as to why the screen image is much darker and flatter than it looks once it reaches Alamy.


All constructive suggestions are welcome.





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18 hours ago, Steve Valentia said:

I've been experimenting with using an FTP app and the Lightroom CC app on my iPhone, for Alamy news uploads. This is mainly because I will be shooting away from home at a few major events over the next few weeks.


I'm using FTP Manager and after an hour or so, managed to take a test photo (a weather news image), upload it to my iPhone 6 and FTP it from there to Alamy News. However, although I'm no stranger to Lightroom there seems to be a problem with the uploaded images, mainly that they are under exposed by at least 1 or 1 1/2 stops. I have been using the (now) "Classic" version since the Beta of v.1 and I teach it regularly, so that shouldn't be the issue and the images look perfectly exposed on my phone screen.


I'm just wondering if there is something I'm missing, as to why the screen image is much darker and flatter than it looks once it reaches Alamy.


All constructive suggestions are welcome.






That is why I use a colour managed laptop, I would never rely on the appearance of a photo on a phone. Phones, and many other devices, have images boosted (exposure, colour and sharpness) to look good at small sizes whatever the conditions rather than correct at all sizes which is what we need as photographers.


Try putting an image you know is right from your computer on to your phone, it may look to bright and contrasty if what I am suggesting is right. It is also possible that the phone is reprocessing the image for its own purposes (to make the phone look good) rather than taking the image as is.

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Thanks Martin


I don't have a color-managed laptop, but I do have a colour calibrated 27 inch monitor attached to a very powerful desktop computer. My problem is they are in Ireland and I will be in London and want to get some news images back to Alamy, within an hour or so of shooting. If you look at what @RedSnapper writes about his huge Alamy success, you'll see that a phone and an FTP app is a major part of it. If Keith sees this, I'd be interested in his views (I'm the Stephen from Cameracraft magazine, Keith).


I took another few images today and uploaded them to Alamy (not news) all via the phone and Safari. They were probably 1/3rd of a stop under exposed, but not anything like the one last night. I think your suggestion about the phone reprocessing the image is bang on.





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I use an iPad often. Similar tech.


The thing you have to remember with these devices is that the screen brightness can be or is linked to the ambient light. Therefore the ONLY way to be sure of the exposure is to use and trust the histogram, without it you have zero chance of nailing exposure.


Colour is another issue... you just HAVE to get it right in camera, you cannot trust white balance adjustments on these devices. 

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On 13/05/2018 at 17:24, Steve Valentia said:

 If you look at what @RedSnapper writes about his huge Alamy success, you'll see that a phone and an FTP app is a major part of it. If Keith sees this, I'd be interested in his views


Only just seen this



I don't do any image editing on the iPhone when i'm doing LiveNews
I either send the incamera jpgs 'as is', or i do a quick edit of the Raw files,  on the camera itself (i use Nikon D4 / D5 - not sure if this is available on other bodies ), save as jpg, and send that. The phone is only used to add  caption/metadata and to send my FTP


any help?




added: as Julie says, the histogram is your friend

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