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If you save or export a JPG as an EPS, it will still be a raster image. To convert a raster image to vectors, you will need to trace it in a vector illustration program such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw. 


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21 hours ago, spacecadet said:

 PS has an EPS export option.

File Transfer Protocol. It's a faster way (usually) to upload, using a client such as Filezilla. Alamy have a page about it.

Thanks, i had had a look on PS but could not find that option, and yes I did see that page on Alamy but when i went to find it ..do you think i could...oh well interne has been slow last few days we have some bad weather coming. Thanks for your help i will search again. Barbs


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18 hours ago, Sprocket said:

If you save or export a JPG as an EPS, it will still be a raster image. To convert a raster image to vectors, you will need to trace it in a vector illustration program such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw. 


These articles might help




Thank you I will check them out. Barbs


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