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Hello From Portland, Maine

Robert Rosen

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I just retired and I am new to Alamy and fairly new to the stock photo market.  I have been in photography since Kodak introduced their first Brownie.  www.appleledgephotography.smugmug.com.  I am aware I have a lot of work to do before I can experience any sales but beginners luck I sold two within my first week with another agency with only two images.  So I am building up my portfolio.  I am having trouble positing into the for sale column.  I can't get out of the yellow bar area into the green.  I see the bar move every time I add a new tag.  Do I really have to get to 50 keywords.  


I have added a screen shot.  Help would be very appreciated.  


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Your images are beautiful. Concentrate on your captions and keywords. They need to be very complete and accurate. Personal things like "beaches near me" won't work. Your garden image includes "weddings" so I guess it is a common place for weddings? Only include that word if your image contains a wedding. Scientific names of plants and animals should be included. You should use United States, USA, US, North America. Take a look at the other images on Alamy and see what people are doing. Also read the Alamy instructions on keywording. Hope you do well. You have lovely images.



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