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Question about test submission

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I am about to create test submission and i am wondering  are the (possibly)approved submissions published for sale immediatelly without further interaction by me? Or can i tweak photo settings(editorial/commercial, tags etc) before images are published for sale?



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From very distant memory, you had to keyword the test images in the normal way before they went on sale. However if you have provided keywords and a caption with the submission, I guess that they will be on sale immediately. You can edit your caption and keywords at any time after they have been approved.

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As far as I am aware you cannot tweak the actual picture file. If you need to do this then you would have to delete the file and resubmit. You can change things like the title and keywords at any time after acceptance in the image manager. 



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Assuming by "Test Submission" we are talking about the initial submission of 3 images, assuming it passes QC, if my memory serves,  it is then treated as just another submission. So you should be able to open the images in Alamy Image Manager and at a caption, tags, license information, etc.

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